323 I cannot believe what I am seeing >> 60 Minutes is kicking the shit out of 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki, sister of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki. An HONEST inquiry into DNA mining and Genome manipulation ( link coming.. ) posted 4 years ago by Oh_Well_ian (context) 4 years ago by Oh_Well_ian +324 / -1 0_0 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Since OP won't share... I will.
thanks for the link...
had an emergency and was away all night..
Sad that in 2021 we still need to ask: Soo... about that link...?
people are lacking with links here
Fuckin faggots NEVER post links huh?
I think a lot of so-called news organizations will begin to see the writing on the wall as the plan progresses and then begin massive CYA tactics to appear legitimate.
We will never forget. We will never forgive.
MSM = Traitors to our country.
The truth will always come out.