Another Dan Scavino post
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10 days of darkness is over pepe's. Ya'll can come out now.
was the last 10 days THE 10? or some other future set of 10 days? nothing. Gen Flynn's 30 days are up too, and nothing.
Well the inauguration was the 20th. Then it felt like trump was sadly "gone" aka it felt "dark". On jan 31st it feels like trump is making a public reconnection with his supporters. So it feels like 10 days. But as for other timelines, we really are on God's timeline during this war with evil.
Buck up! When this is accomplished it will seem as though it flew by in a flash! Hindsight collapses all the draggy bits! I just had major surgery, and after sleeping amid zillions if wires, etc. all I can say is now: That wasn’t so bad!!!
so going by down votes, people here don't like others asking questions in order to understand. got it.