JPM owns 100,000,000 ounces of silver
JPM has sold 5,000,000,000 ounces in paper silver
If the price of physical silver gets driven up lets say 10$.
That means JPM's physical holding is worth 1 billion.
Guess what smoothbrain?
Their 5b in paper ounces now makes JPM liable to pay out 50,000,000,000
Yes that 50 billion dollars now JPM has to pay out of people redeem their paper silver.
Now imagine the whole market. Think that there are 500billion ounces of PAPER silver.
If the prices goes up 10$ 50% of the banks owe more money in paper silver than they are worth
Edit This is by no means an instruction manual to crush everyones 401ks, pensions, the whole thing. This is by no means a way the people could pull the veil off the final system and see whats really under neath. My favorite flavor is Blue crayon. This is more a warning I guess. That people need to have physical assets on HAND. Because this is how FUCKED UP AND CORRUPT our market is.
Also I dont know JPM's current paper silver sales. Last I saw they have 110 million ounces.
In 2014 bloomberg reported that the banks had leveraged the paper silver 250:1 of physical.
So grandscale is that there are 500-750 billion ounces of paper silver.
Silver goes up 10$ who the fuck is covering the bill on paper silver?
Melvin Capital- the hedge fund that is being outright destroyed by crowd-sourced GME/AMC stock purchases- is one of the world's biggest Silver investors. Buying Silver stock only helps them to recover their losses. They are sending shill assets all over the internet and instructing media to promote some fake news story about WallStreetBets (the subreddit this all ORIGINATED from) "switching over to silver" so people will think it's the next big thing. It's not true. NOBODY there is recommending silver stock purchases. If you buy silver, buy PHYSICAL silver from your preferred local sources.
None of this is financial advice. I'm just a retard and I like the stonks. If you buy stock, you probably want to buy GME or AMC stock instead of getting misdirected by the fucking media. Keep the pain on those hedge funds. HOLD until those stocks reach the lunar surface- because every day that we hold, the banksters suffer an incalculable financial loss. GME doesn't appear to have any "limit" on how much it's worth can increase, so long as people involved with this HOLD.
Speaking of hedge funds, I read that WallStreetBets is now pretty much the world's largest decentralized hedgefund. Isn't it crazy what people can accomplish when they work together? :)
and you clearly did not read my post.
I think you are 100% the JPM shill.
Buying physical silver destroys the market.
Think whatever you want and buy whatever you want. Zero fucks given on my end...but GME/AMC are where all the pressure is being put on our Globalist Puppetmasters right now. It's wrecking them like nothing else ever has.
They have now realized their mistake in trying to crash GME/AMC's worth and will do ANYTHING to take that pressure off of them. "Anything" includes using the Media to distort/misdirect the truth and steer people into buying silver stock rather than GME/AMC. They're even shilling at WallStreetBets trying to sway popular opinion there, too. Fuck them, these diamond hands are holding...
yes GME is putting a ton of pressures on the hedge funds and their brokers. Soon that will spill over to the banks.
Guess who is a bank?
If JPM has to start selling off their longs to cover their losses from GME and they are sitting on 5 billion ounces of paper silver.
If paper silver goes up 10$ JPM is 100% bankrupt.
IMO, we should focus on one thing at a time. That they (and the media) are so desperately trying to manipulate the story and misdirect people to outright lying about "what the WSB people say as the next big thing..." (esp. when we HAVE NOT claimed any such thing.)
The Short Squeeze has not Squoze yet in regard to GME/AMC. Still plenty of time to get in.