posted ago by Antisemite-I-Guess ago by Antisemite-I-Guess +106 / -2

This is a perfect opportunity to awaken our fellow Americans, specifically wall street bets & r/politics, finding those who voted for Biden and regretted it. They are ready to be fertilized. (Insert Jesus parable about seeds & soil). The parable explained that not everyone is ready for the word of God and you must wait for the soil (people) to become fertile (ready), same with any other idea. If the wealth of nations was published at the same time as Christ & during the dark ages, he would have a bad time, likely executed. If Marx published his work when everyone wasn’t beaten down by the early effects of the free market (which were temporary), people would’ve thrown that idea out the window. Same thing with Q, not everyone is ready to hear about the cabal & pedo island, the Vatican the crown, the Protestant failure (it fucking failed to reform the Catholic Church cuz Luther was an arrogant hypocrite trying to fight arrogant hypocrite Pharisees). Right now, we must fertilize our seeds that have been planted by people’s doubt (in government) and grow hope (for freedom & prosperity). So go and fertilize