posted ago by notkizzalvin ago by notkizzalvin +264 / -0

I gotta say some things. 1, I am probably the worst digger and I apologize, i just want to help.

I first started learning about some of the lighter offenses of higher ups when I was like 13-14. snooping the interwebs for a school project got more results than I could have hoped for or knew what to do. I remember running to the adults to warn about this or that and I ALWAYS hated the answer. "It's always been this way."

I have had a hard time maintaining relationships because I seem to have a death wish with getting the truth out. I watched as society was sculpted around me to make that as unappealing as possible. There must have been something wrong with me because I never stopped.

I am 32 years old now. This is my first account associated with anything like this. I was a huge lurker and hated the Idea of being followed and tracked. Too aware of the possibility of the men in black showing up at my door. (for the wrong reasons but it helped, this was born of my fear of UFOs and the government conspiracy cover them up, it's how I learned when and why conspiracy theory was coined so i knew to keep my mouth shut around people with influence) I scream every chance I get now. "Had we the ability to collect like this sooner it would already be done." blasting in my brain as I go on my crusades against the elite! it helps, I have so much hope.

I just wanted to say thank you all so much! I am sure I am among many with stories like mine, I am tearing up thinking how it must have been for everyone. I am so thankful that we all stayed and helped or tried to help to do a part, anything!

Thank you, Shills (you know they helped, little boost of morale every time one of them got called out)

ThanQ, Lurkers

ThanQ, Posters

ThanQ, PlaneFags

ThankQ, Bakers

ThanQ, Diggers

ThanQ, Crumb Gathers

ThanQ, Board Owner

ThanQ, President Donald Trump

ThanQ to all of our brave soldiers! I was too scared to get yelled at. lol

ThanQ, Jesus Christ for planting the seed 2000 years ago

ThanQ, God, for this amazing reality

I could not have asked for more! you are all so truly amazing,