The children may still be in the tunnels. Apparently, if they've been down there long enough, the sunlight could kill them. Just like you can't give a starving person a rich meal (you have to start with something very basic like rice), you can't suddenly bring a sun-deprived person into the light.
It's definitely a possibility. Seems more likely than the ships. She lost me at the alien part lol. I have a hard time with that subject but that doesnt take away from your point.
Here are some things I found on Timothy. He seems legit. The negative articles on him seems to be an act to discredit him.
BTW: The "greys" mentioned at the end of the article could simply be the adult humans that have remained underground for extended periods of time. What would your skin look like if you hadn't been exposed to sunlight for years? What would happen to your skin if you did not have exposure to enough vitamin D?
I may have stumbled across the answer:
The children may still be in the tunnels. Apparently, if they've been down there long enough, the sunlight could kill them. Just like you can't give a starving person a rich meal (you have to start with something very basic like rice), you can't suddenly bring a sun-deprived person into the light.
It's definitely a possibility. Seems more likely than the ships. She lost me at the alien part lol. I have a hard time with that subject but that doesnt take away from your point.
Here are some things I found on Timothy. He seems legit. The negative articles on him seems to be an act to discredit him.
BTW: The "greys" mentioned at the end of the article could simply be the adult humans that have remained underground for extended periods of time. What would your skin look like if you hadn't been exposed to sunlight for years? What would happen to your skin if you did not have exposure to enough vitamin D?
Or, what if the reports of "greys" have been children that have escaped the tunnels???