Something right now is odd. Not just right now, but say, for the past 10 years. It only has gotten more odd in the past year.
Everyone knew that Agenda 21/2030 were coming - they were easily accessed on the UN/WEF websites. It's out there in plain view. That's indisputable.
We know that Gates and his billionaire friends "gamed out" a pandemic just a month before it was "released". This is indisputable.
The "Climate Change" shit we all had to live through was pure theater. The theater of it all ended when everyone started to turn against Greta. Then magically a "virus" comes along.
The way countries handled the "pandemic" was odd as well. It wasn't usual. Sure, maybe take time to "make sure" you knew what you were dealing with was a Coronavirus, but it extended far beyond what was reasonable. The media was too intent on telling everyone straight away that this was the "new normal" and to submit or else.
Then for the WEF to push the Global Reset agenda, whilst people are genuinely suffering and for there to be no... kindness. There has been no kindness or understanding during this whole thing. It has been "Submit you selfish cunts.". The fact so many worldwide politicians took pay rises at the start of the "pandemic" and whilst they're shouting at everyone else to shut up about their lost jobs and businesses was very strange behavior.
These are things even non-Q, non-right leaning, never Trumpers can agree on or at the very least acknowledge to some degree.
George Soros has said his life's goal is to see the US destroyed.
The WEF has said it. It is a goal to remove the USA from their superpower status.
Their way to achieve this was going to be through a variety of ways, but you could tell they were angling for the Climate Change shit to be the main way.
Climate credits would bankrupt most nations. Of course the Rothschilds are one "group" who were going to handle selling climate credits to countries.
Even if the US wasn't a corporation and it is, as u/TakeTrumpFor2024Alex says, merely a nothingburger, the issue still remains regarding the Rothschild banking system tying down and dominating the US as a whole. We've seen this with the GME fiasco.
Again, even if the USA corporation isn't the "proper" interpretation of the constitutional re-write, I think given the election and the patent disregard for the constitution from the left, really leaves to question what is the correct interpretation anyway.
Why do I mention all this? Because Q or not, there are very real things out there that billionaires, rich, those vying for power will conspire with each other over.
One of those major things is the destruction and the dissolution of the USA.
The "elites" view the US as nothing more than a corporation that is needing to be taken over and razed. Ask yourself why they view it that way and there may be an answer in that.
Regardless, something is brewing. But is it this? Why would the opposition agree to submit to this, even if it were the correct reading of the Act?
This doesn't answer your question directly, but the obvious TL;DR is that there is clearly NO correct interpretation or agreed set of "rules" right now and so, I do wonder if whatever happens next even NEEDS to stick to old rules.
Something right now is odd. Not just right now, but say, for the past 10 years. It only has gotten more odd in the past year.
Everyone knew that Agenda 21/2030 were coming - they were easily accessed on the UN/WEF websites. It's out there in plain view. That's indisputable.
We know that Gates and his billionaire friends "gamed out" a pandemic just a month before it was "released". This is indisputable.
The "Climate Change" shit we all had to live through was pure theater. The theater of it all ended when everyone started to turn against Greta. Then magically a "virus" comes along.
The way countries handled the "pandemic" was odd as well. It wasn't usual. Sure, maybe take time to "make sure" you knew what you were dealing with was a Coronavirus, but it extended far beyond what was reasonable. The media was too intent on telling everyone straight away that this was the "new normal" and to submit or else.
Then for the WEF to push the Global Reset agenda, whilst people are genuinely suffering and for there to be no... kindness. There has been no kindness or understanding during this whole thing. It has been "Submit you selfish cunts.". The fact so many worldwide politicians took pay rises at the start of the "pandemic" and whilst they're shouting at everyone else to shut up about their lost jobs and businesses was very strange behavior.
These are things even non-Q, non-right leaning, never Trumpers can agree on or at the very least acknowledge to some degree.
George Soros has said his life's goal is to see the US destroyed. The WEF has said it. It is a goal to remove the USA from their superpower status.
Their way to achieve this was going to be through a variety of ways, but you could tell they were angling for the Climate Change shit to be the main way. Climate credits would bankrupt most nations. Of course the Rothschilds are one "group" who were going to handle selling climate credits to countries.
Even if the US wasn't a corporation and it is, as u/TakeTrumpFor2024Alex says, merely a nothingburger, the issue still remains regarding the Rothschild banking system tying down and dominating the US as a whole. We've seen this with the GME fiasco.
Again, even if the USA corporation isn't the "proper" interpretation of the constitutional re-write, I think given the election and the patent disregard for the constitution from the left, really leaves to question what is the correct interpretation anyway.
Why do I mention all this? Because Q or not, there are very real things out there that billionaires, rich, those vying for power will conspire with each other over. One of those major things is the destruction and the dissolution of the USA.
The "elites" view the US as nothing more than a corporation that is needing to be taken over and razed. Ask yourself why they view it that way and there may be an answer in that.
Regardless, something is brewing. But is it this? Why would the opposition agree to submit to this, even if it were the correct reading of the Act?
This doesn't answer your question directly, but the obvious TL;DR is that there is clearly NO correct interpretation or agreed set of "rules" right now and so, I do wonder if whatever happens next even NEEDS to stick to old rules.