I also was upset not seeing the mass arrest and swooped up before inauguration, but upon reflection and gathering more information I believe it was not an option. Waiting for the right moment is the safer and most effective way, they were planning for this takeover for years.
Let's not forget what we were up against.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/mYSdcpPeHxo1/ longer versions available
They had White House and government infiltrated on many levels +DODinsiders and contractors
Remember for us this is America, For them it is Power over the entire World. THESE PEOPLE WERE WELL PLANNED & HAVE EXPERIENCE!
Trump knows about Ukraine and how 2013 Orange Color revolution was orchestrated and this would have been very bad. They were prepared to use: -Military Grade IIA operations with complicit news and social media. Obama installed military Generals and Infrastructure.
They had and were going to use:
- Layouts of the capitol, tunnels, plans. Insurrectionist in the Form of: -Antifa -BLM -Brain washed school aged Children. -Gangs like MS-13 -Chinese Military on North & South Borders. -Some ISIS Members (Think why Trump stopped Travel Ban) (These Fucking people had at least 226 Antifa dressed Trump Supporters, Set Pipe Bombs, Chemical attacks for inside Tunnels and were ready to burn things down. Trump designated Antifa as Terrorist 1/5/20 and Called in national guard+subsequent COGCON-1 following the Capitol False Flag failed attack. 1/6/20 )
Even If Trump pulled this before the 20th off they would have caused chaos, filled with traitors, confusion of true leadership, weak constitutionality with command, and subservient infrastructure mainly controlled by opposition.
We would have been weak and the Vultures would still be circling the Country. So many assets to fight over, they want to gut the wealth and resources from within. This is the only country that can single handedly stop them. Our president wants people on our side and wants to minimize casualties and damage to our economy!
The President alone dictates COGCON. COGCON-2 was announced right before the inauguration! This allows for people to return to the Capitol to orchestrate government but a lot of it's HQ Command remains from remote locations. COGCON-1 is not announced. It would defeat the purpose which delegates the presidents relocation. It's announcement exposes possible weakness on the Global stage. He did not re-emerge in Texas as a coincidence. Patriots following these events seeing vans, military fencing, troop deployment know something was up. Swamp insiders know something is up so while they rejoice on Public Broadcasting, they panic in the shadows and push for the 25th amendment, and file for articles of impeachment. Impeachment is primarily for trying to revoke Trumps Intelligence and security clearance.
We know from Obama in 2012 the media has become a tool of civil control and advertising for the Globalists. It pacifies the masses while its beauty is looted.Under Obama shitheads like Brennan in the CIA contracted out to the most advance computer scientist and military generals in order to train artificial intelligence linked with social media companies and news groups(mockingbird coordination). Unfortunately it has infected the NPO's mind so much that this all seems normal, but the patriots who are enraged know something is up and Trump has resorted to code speak to let us know that the best is yet to come and there is a plan.
Obama's dirty agenda hurt America BUT gave Trump lots of Power!
In my First post on COGCON1 I spoke about key elements in COOP which emphasizes the illusion that Millions of American's buy into(For us we see the movie). In reality WW3 was initiated when China stole technology for weapons giving capabilities to ICBM's Stealth Jets and Biochemical Warfare Programs. It however is not defined by country borders though, as traitors from within handed it over and helped it spread. They deployed the technology from within in our country by those wishing to seize power in our country.
At the moment Biden is better defined as an Acting president. He is severely neutered by Trumps plays and knows he is illegitimate and his time is limited. This is why he is signifying EO's Faster than his Son can smoke crack and bang hookers.
Let's take a look at the last time COGCON was modified: January 17, 2017 (Thanks Obama!). Now this is important for 2 reasons; FULL DOCUMENT HERE
1.) Remember back just 4 years. How Obama admin crippled Trump's administration with the Obama's shadow government. For basically 2 years it undermined Trumps every move! Special prosecutors, fake evidence, long legal battles, and destruction of his public appearance. -Imagine what Trump could do with all the real evidence he has against Biden and the bunch? We could write pages on this. More than enough to take this Chi-Com operative out of power.
2.) "Presidential Policy Directive 40 (PPD-40), National Continuity Policy, directs the Secretary of Homeland Security through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to coordinate the implementation, execution, and assessment of continuity activities among executive departments and agencies (D/As). Specifically, the Administrator of FEMA is directed to develop and promulgate Federal Continuity Directives to establish continuity program and planning requirements for executive departments and agencies. This Federal Continuity Directive 1 (FCD-1) implements this requirement by establishing the framework, requirements, and processes to support the development of D/As’ continuity programs and by specifying and defining elements of a continuity plan. These required elements include delineation of essential functions; succession to office and delegations of authority; safekeeping of and access to essential records; continuity locations; continuity communications; human resources planning; devolution of essential functions; reconstitution; and program validation through testing, training, and exercises (TT&E). -National Essential Functions (NEFs) are the big ones here: I spoke earlier about people like Christopher Miller being put in key position as director of FEMA. So now him Trump, and many of the military generals and intelligence could step into new positions and form a game plan. -Trump and his former team members are also now allowed intelligence and even newly appointed roles in these task force of carrying out NEF's. Just like Obama in 2017, Trump and his key players are able to communicate and execute carrying out these plans over the heads of Joes new Regime and all of the intelligence groups that Joe Biden has access too. You can tell they know they haven't quite won, that there Orange man problem has not gone away quite yet.
This roughly sums up what I believe the National Essential Functions and plan are; -Carry out what has to be done to technically give a safe switch to Joe. -Prevent any violence and chaos from further ensuing -Monitor those threats and international threats during times. -Intervene where necessary in countries undermining plans for the Free World
-Prevent interference while Election determinations are still being carried out in court. This is the huge one. I think DC is in a serious lockdown because they want the Public Eye and pressure taken away from the SCOTUS Court Cases and For Litigation to proceed in a safely and timely fashion, without intimidation and fear. Before, the Supreme Court Justices were going to be harassed and turned against if they made decisions to look at court cases. These leftist were going to do WHATEVER and backed by an angry mob to get it done. They now suspect it is over. Antifa/BLM want their money and the promised power for their role in the election takeover. They are now winding down from War, however they are about to be swept. This has precedent and Trump can easily remove fraudulent election results constitutionally. Read my Post of HAVA This would be an Easy Thanos Snap if applied. Checkmate back to 2016 elections temporarily or most like a Contingent Election (12A) Many other possibilities in the Judicial system if Heard.
Now if all of those were to fail and the legal route failed to protect democracy and the constitution, this is when the Military comes into play. JURISDICTION! Our Space Force and military do NOT come into civilian matters. Space force, Our surveillance that over-rides Deep State intelligence agencies is part of the Military Branch and conducts information recon above what works for the NWO in our country. This is why they are terrified. EO13848 clearly states the ramifications of interfering in our elections. This transcends our corrupted civilian system and is big because it starts the tension with other countries(There are quite a few.)
Trump traveled across the World and Pompeo said the West is winning, the Soros/Clinton/Deep state has infiltrated countries across the world and installed loyalist to be part of the UN and supplied the voting machines and the Media+Insurgencies groups needed for successful color revolutions across the world. This is a fight for freedom in every country and this EO and the military branches will be a part of rectifying the beauties of that freedom not only in the USA but everywhere else struggling for democracy and freedom. Trade is impossible when countries are all actually centralized to the debt and proxies of these European bankers and the commodities that come with them. Currency manipulation nullifies real trade efforts.
I see many other naive people saying yay NESARA/GESARA we are no longer a corp. It is not that easy, debts are not forgotten about without consequences. Debts and banking lead to war. The most peaceful way though is through this EO it is a lot about seizing the assets and funds of people and places that interfere. Once debts can be re-understood and reconfigured is when we can move forward without the threat of looming war. Now using this and by capturing people through actions via cyber connections we can easily take legal actions or justifiable actions to attack/arrest/demand reparations from these bad foreign actors. This is a genius way of actually starting fresh, and involves much less war than how Germany tried to break free of the debt from the Bankers the 30's. It also allows for a sensical justification of the takedown of Media etc. which has been complicit in the atrocities of tampering with democracy.
Your Homework is to read up on the documents that Q has given you clues too. Before much of this seemed theoretical and I never followed Q until after the election but it seems like somebody on the inside was pointing this stuff out and we have seen a lot of actions that back up the preparation they were making for a Colossal event like this and recent events show us more and allow us to understand what may happen inside this framework. Learn About: JOITF January 7th was final Radcliffe report on interference. January 8th Space Force was added to Intelligence Community. Follow documents published under DOD, SF, NSA, FEMA, Mil, NAVY. Things started picking up in plan development after 2018 Midterm Elections. Learn more about Ukraine: Trump wanted CROWD-STRIKE SERVERS, WHY? Which countries did Clinton Foundation and friends intervene with Sequoia, Dominion, Current state of affairs there?
What is the way forward with Currencies? Are power/leverage/control/child trafficking currencies? Would physical currencies really matter after the Great Reset? How do you help allies establish sovereignty? Think Economics, Supply Chains, Power, Military, Free Speech platforms.
Do not focus to much on dates, personally I would expect when the right time to move is after the Supreme Court cases. If that avenue does not bear fruit I would expect something shortly after. This operation is all about preserving but recapturing everything that has been corrupted. Obstacles abroad are being dealt with and things domestically have been dealt with quietly for a while now. When thing get crazy here it will happen fast and Strongly. May Freedom ring! Love you guys and look forward to your help in decoding this and providing light after the storm!
how funny, I hope you organized your notes, so it doesn't look like garbage you low iq Bill
Yes after I type it out on a typewriter i put it in a binder in a file cabinet OR after I put in on a computer file I then print it out and put it in a binder which goes into a a cabinet that is specific for computer printed files. But its a different folder and a different cabinet than for pages that are written on typewriter.
Which one of those scenarios do you think it is oxygen thief?
Or did you think I just threw all those pages all over the place?? I only do that with comments like yours so I have something to wipe my ass with.
Love your sense of humor. IMO the best way is to copy it and above or on top of it put a summary of what it's about.
Then use a folder structure that is organized by subject & probability and place this article multiple times in the proper bins.
This way you have all the info relevant to all the scenarios in all layers even though you waste storage space.
The pedo bins has the most layers atm, traces back the farthest historically also.
Next is the banking bin.
Obama exists more in the CIA money bin along with Cheney and Lolo Soetoro than him doing anything himself besides hot dogs.