as I understand things, when Caesar was in full retard conquer mode he defeated an old tribe of remnants from Genghis Khan's empire known as Khazars.
As with every defeated nation, they were offered various choices, or death
One of the choices was they must adopt one of three religions.
Thus the original Tribes of Israel, acquired a new branch.of crypto-Jews who forever kept up a facade of Jewishness but retained their true beliefs and customs.
These are the 13 Families who we all love so much /s
This is the Tribe that is currently being defeated.
In this case the original Hebrews are being used as a patsy, a shield and a lightning rod for blame.
There is always a patsy in their operations of conquest.
Leaving Israel to last is probably because when these animals are removed,
Israel can be freed.
not the shape shifting lizards theories but about their evolution over the centuries.
So much of their evil, may be as a result of their breeding only within their own bloodlines. This seems to have actually created a separate and distinct branch of human by limiting their gene pool which is damaged and has not been allowed to evolve in the same way that humans have evolved.
The 12 tribes that lived under the Abrahamic Covenant, and followed in God's Commandments, are already in heaven, the 144,000 in the beginning of Revelations and Daniel Chapter 9.
Those who lived after the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are under the Covenant of Grace, which is open to all nations, races, people. No one shall come to the Father but through Me, Amen.
Anyone who claims to be of the "chosen race of God" after Christ is an edomite jew and they are claiming salvation based on birthright alone. They use this birthright to receive special protections and, most of all, to deceive others. They are of the father of lies and shall do his works.
Any idiot can figure out that the earthly delights of evil are only temporary and always fleeting. This is done by satan on purpose, it keeps his minions ever searching for the next big thrill, the next big lie. There is only one Truth in this world and that is the Word of God. It is immutable, infinite and eternal.
This chart left out Cohen the 13 th priest tribe. My mother is a Cohen, there’s a lot about them that is different. They are technically not allowed in cemeteries because as the priestly tribe they are holy and that for some reason precludes them from being near death.
Just a thought here, but could castle rock represent Simeon and the York rite masons maybe? The symbol for Simeon is a castle and York rite masonic jewelry the 12 tribes are represented with different stones , put those together and you have castle rock . Also looks like its believed that there could have been 13 families, if so is this where the 13 families that run the world blood lines come from ? just thought it maybe was a connection. Just a thought
as I understand things, when Caesar was in full retard conquer mode he defeated an old tribe of remnants from Genghis Khan's empire known as Khazars.
As with every defeated nation, they were offered various choices, or death
One of the choices was they must adopt one of three religions.
Thus the original Tribes of Israel, acquired a new branch.of crypto-Jews who forever kept up a facade of Jewishness but retained their true beliefs and customs.
These are the 13 Families who we all love so much /s
This is the Tribe that is currently being defeated. In this case the original Hebrews are being used as a patsy, a shield and a lightning rod for blame.
There is always a patsy in their operations of conquest.
Leaving Israel to last is probably because when these animals are removed, Israel can be freed.
What Caesar are you referring to? Genghis Khan and Caesar were 1200 years apart.
I made a post yesterday about reptilians.
not the shape shifting lizards theories but about their evolution over the centuries.
So much of their evil, may be as a result of their breeding only within their own bloodlines. This seems to have actually created a separate and distinct branch of human by limiting their gene pool which is damaged and has not been allowed to evolve in the same way that humans have evolved.
The 12 tribes that lived under the Abrahamic Covenant, and followed in God's Commandments, are already in heaven, the 144,000 in the beginning of Revelations and Daniel Chapter 9.
Those who lived after the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are under the Covenant of Grace, which is open to all nations, races, people. No one shall come to the Father but through Me, Amen.
Anyone who claims to be of the "chosen race of God" after Christ is an edomite jew and they are claiming salvation based on birthright alone. They use this birthright to receive special protections and, most of all, to deceive others. They are of the father of lies and shall do his works.
Any idiot can figure out that the earthly delights of evil are only temporary and always fleeting. This is done by satan on purpose, it keeps his minions ever searching for the next big thrill, the next big lie. There is only one Truth in this world and that is the Word of God. It is immutable, infinite and eternal.
This chart left out Cohen the 13 th priest tribe. My mother is a Cohen, there’s a lot about them that is different. They are technically not allowed in cemeteries because as the priestly tribe they are holy and that for some reason precludes them from being near death.
I said remnants of...
all Caesars were called Caesar.
It's the Roman name for Emperor.
Their empire lasted a long time. more interesting stuff sometimes its easy to go down a rabbit hole! Her video was filmed at Hearst castle looks like and Hearst was a 33rd degree mason. This is getting interesting
hearst is also the reason for Cannabis being illegal.
it was in competing with his vast hectares of forested land that he needed for his papermills which supplied his newspapers.
Hemp/cannabis is a fast growing, annually renewable and better source for paper manufacture.
so he bribed a couple of political cronies and blamed it all on black culture. Do a search on an old B&W propaganda film called Reefer Madness.
It's worth a watch. 13 tribes
The ashkenazi (nazi) are also part of the faux Jews....
Could this be the key stone ??
there is also one on top of Hearst tower
If this keystone is taken then it is the end of The Crown!
It’s currently residing in the strong room at Edinburgh Castle that is also known as Castlerock!
In the late 90s the Queen gave her favourite son a job. He was to return the stone to Scotland from Westminster Abbey on St Andrews Day.
Prince Andrew -The Duke Of York - Symbolism will be their downfall.
Hey all , check this site out , lots of info and videos . This could be the keystone we have been looking for ...
This is maybe something, is in san simeon ,maybe something maybe nothing Mr. Hearst seems to have been a big player in all of this
Just a thought here, but could castle rock represent Simeon and the York rite masons maybe? The symbol for Simeon is a castle and York rite masonic jewelry the 12 tribes are represented with different stones , put those together and you have castle rock . Also looks like its believed that there could have been 13 families, if so is this where the 13 families that run the world blood lines come from ? just thought it maybe was a connection. Just a thought