385 Daily Discussion Thread - February 2nd, 2021 ?️ DISCUSSION ? posted 4 years ago by meteorknife 4 years ago by meteorknife +385 / -0 . 104 comments share 104 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Hey guys, has anyone noticed the picture the libs are on Twitter making fun of? Could Trump team misspelling be on purpose?
Misspelled Unite"d" to Unite"s" States Senate. Could this be the USSS in the Q drop that lists the steps? Sorry, new to this.
Seems more akin to the tactic Trump uses a good bit, of spelling errors which causes the media to make fun of him, while inadvertently giving way more coverage to whatever it was with the spelling error than it would have gotten on its own.
I see. That makes sense.
It really is a brilliant tactic and they fall for it almost every time.