Just wanted to get the overall visual. I’ve been watching for about a month now and there have not been this many aircraft up at the same time. This seems pre-Covid or pre-9-11
OP is messing with you, there are over 6700 planes airborne with transponders on worldwide right now, civilian and military, that adsbexchange is tracking.
Military alone shows about 280 flying around the US at the moment, looks roughly 'normal'.
You should zoom out a little farther. That plane isn't half the size of greenland yet.
Just wanted to get the overall visual. I’ve been watching for about a month now and there have not been this many aircraft up at the same time. This seems pre-Covid or pre-9-11
Das a lot a chickens
Where is that?
Over the Americas
Here's a shot with the commercial jets filtered out.
There's usually 130 - 150 MIL birds in the air
The birds I like to follow are the SENTRY call sign-- those are AWACS.
Looks worse when zoomed out like that, but is usually 6k+ aircraft up worldwide during daylight hours.
those are including commercial planes so yeah there are that many planes in the sky. If you want to filter by military aircraft click the “u”
Everyone leaving the US because of Jack Ass.
Over 4k over the US right now (mil, commercial, and private).
There’s not really this many planes up now, is there?
OP is messing with you, there are over 6700 planes airborne with transponders on worldwide right now, civilian and military, that adsbexchange is tracking.
Military alone shows about 280 flying around the US at the moment, looks roughly 'normal'.
Thanks. Wasn’t trying to mess.
Those are commercial too. Not just mil.