Understand the severity of the Trump Administration’s fight against EXTENSIVE corruption and ideological takeover from within our own Government. Take a look at the thread of this White House staffer, who ended up being one of the few who stayed in the fight with Trump and the Patriot Crew till the end. And even now, they are still pressing the fight.
Read through the thread, check out the documents and links, and see it for yourselves. I highly recommend the document he posted regarding Biological Leninism - it describes the Geopolitical Conglomerate’s ideological methods perfectly.
MAGA | Make America Great Again - understand that this is much more than a campaign slogan used to win an election for a 4 or 8 year term. The people who gave you MAGA intended to do so much more than anyone in the public realized - they intended to shake the foundations of Geopolitical Society, destabilize Central Banking, the Petrodollar and the Steel Cycle, and quite literally change course of History. And you need to understand this now - they actually accomplished what they set out to do. And it’s FAR from over. In fact, it’s just beginning.
Strategy To Change History 2016 - 2020 ??
In order to Make America Great Again, the brilliant Patriots in the Trump Administration understood that focusing on improving Policy and Economic conditions within America alone were never going to be enough to free this Nation from the threat of corruption and Global Collectivism, whose ultimate goal is to bind this Nation to serve their economic interests and power whims. Handy for making war and experimenting upon. It’s sickening.
While improving conditions within America were a top priority, this Administration wanted to secure and free the Nation for good, not just for 4 or 8 years. They have been thinking LONG TERM STRATEGY from the beginning.
Trump was a formidable adversary to the current generation of corrupt, collectivist-minded Geopolitical Conglomerates.
Trump hates Communism, for real. So does Melania. Remember, Roy Cohn was his mentor.
He is not a believer in their schemes, he’s a believer in the American Way. (‘Merica!)
He could not be bought <insert Trump shrugging gif>
And most importantly (and this they KNEW) he could absolutely NOT be leveraged by Blackmail, dirt or any other of their disgusting go-to leverage schemes. <mwahaha, what a BOSS>
They have hated him from the very beginning...
He’s an OG American Titan, he does whatever the fuck he wants - and many of them, are actually afraid of him.
I'm copying this and I finally caught up!