posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1 +36 / -4

A little note to all the fanatics out there.

It's not good enough to take on a point of view and castigate anyone that disagrees with you - how does that make you any better than the mad lefties ?

You say that children are tortured to harvest adrenochrome - some videos tout 800k missing children per year - which is actually the missing child reports filed - before 99% of them are later found alive and well.... This is an example of pure BS that doesn't help that narrative at all. Are these just clowns or are they working for the other team and deliberately fouling the narrative ?

This is not a religion - it's not a belief system - it's supposed to be some investigation and intelligence gathering - where are the proofs, where are the cross references ?

Q started in 2017, nearly 4 years ago now....

How many thousands of people and how many millions of hours have been spent pouring over stuff on the internet instead of doing some leg work and actually investigating some of the suspects ?

Anyone ever thought to trail a few of the prime suspects like a private detective would ? That would mean actually making some effort rather than sitting glued to a never ending Tom Clancy novel online...

You say you wanna wake up people - GREAT AWAKENING....

It's not dungeons and dragons, it's not imaginary - it requires proofs, documentation, hard evidence, cross references and actual MATTER OF FACT ! and it requires some calm intelligence and some debate - the purpose of putting an idea forward is not to get a punch on the nose because some insecure bully who has nothing to back himself up with feels the pinch.....

the purpose of debate is for all parties to become more informed....

there is so much misinformation out there and as soon there's over impressive, sensationalistic data being thrown about - and as soon as there's bad attitude being used to avoid a real debate - you can be sure it's a load of rubbish....