Close to posting something in same, and then this appears, awesome! This is the beginning! It is happening.
So it is not that we play their games (GME), but it is a good start, but we STOP playing their games - so that we build new ones. New games. Better games. Around the real needs of people.
Instead of letting others user our imagination by not using ours enough or ever, letting it die by the roadside, we take it back or help others and give theirs a ride to a safer place, to begin the process of actively imagining brighter outcomes.
It's world building we are made for and since in the image of the world builder of builders we are made, we each have access to a little of that infinite divine creative potential, if we so choose to use it wisely, then in our time, together, we deconstruct the others nightmare-world-vision and build a greater better dream for all that rejects fear as the foundation and embraces love as the motivation for creation, and it also starts with pro-creation the founding creative event of our path to being here.
Yes, the rules always sees the house wins. Which makes no sense, because we are each a house, and we know, no one house can win over another in the end.
However, that is how the game is setup, so if we stop playing, if we stop believing in something, then it begins to fade, so believe in ourselves, instead of someone else game rigged to fail for the players but not the master. They will fail when they are totally ignored and the best way to ignore them, the best way to help people ignore is to imagine and imagine to build that better theme park, that better game, that better world.
Close to posting something in same, and then this appears, awesome! This is the beginning! It is happening.
So it is not that we play their games (GME), but it is a good start, but we STOP playing their games - so that we build new ones. New games. Better games. Around the real needs of people.
Instead of letting others user our imagination by not using ours enough or ever, letting it die by the roadside, we take it back or help others and give theirs a ride to a safer place, to begin the process of actively imagining brighter outcomes.
It's world building we are made for and since in the image of the world builder of builders we are made, we each have access to a little of that infinite divine creative potential, if we so choose to use it wisely, then in our time, together, we deconstruct the others nightmare-world-vision and build a greater better dream for all that rejects fear as the foundation and embraces love as the motivation for creation, and it also starts with pro-creation the founding creative event of our path to being here.
Yes, the rules always sees the house wins. Which makes no sense, because we are each a house, and we know, no one house can win over another in the end.
However, that is how the game is setup, so if we stop playing, if we stop believing in something, then it begins to fade, so believe in ourselves, instead of someone else game rigged to fail for the players but not the master. They will fail when they are totally ignored and the best way to ignore them, the best way to help people ignore is to imagine and imagine to build that better theme park, that better game, that better world.