Shonen manga is typically written for 11 - 14 year old boys. They are used to dealing with more advanced subject matter then kids in the US. Of course hits like Naruto and One Piece enjoy a much wider demographic. I'm 60 and enjoy Naruto greatly. Btw, right now, I am wearing a Naruto tee shirt! (Yes I am a nerd.)
Shonen manga is typically written for 11 - 14 year old boys. They are used to dealing with more advanced subject matter then kids in the US. Of course hits like Naruto and One Piece enjoy a much wider demographic. I'm 60 and enjoy Naruto greatly. Btw, right now, I am wearing a Naruto tee shirt! (Yes I am a nerd.)
Yeah she did like Naruto for awhile as well. Well good to hear the age range then. Thank you.