Yes my mind is very open to things as we truly have no idea the nature of our reality. That has become more clear to me over time. It has also created that nice split in the mind where you start to question too much, because at some point you really wonder what is fake or fiction about even the basics of life. I have spent years of life just trying to find the few hard truths I can count on, like the search for "I think, therefore I am." Just trying to get a grasp of the basics. That is what religion and Christ are great for, they ground you so the lies don't becomes overwhelming and detaching.
Flat Earth is really just another idea out there up for consideration. I don't understand the hate that it gets, as to take you for example, you make very solid arguments all throughout this thread. I've seen the same done by others who are passionate about the theory. I have watched many videos and seen some great arguments made. The wall I hit is when you get the counterpoints made by scientists and so-called scientists.
With 9/11 I feel confident in my own knowledge and understanding of things to say, we were lied to. The facts do not add up and it's things I've been able to verify. With Flat Earth, I do not have the same confidence that the scientific community is lying or wrong. As, the arguments they make are very convincing on the surface, yet so complex that I am not confident in my own intellect being able to disprove it.
Sorry for the long rant. But I do appreciate your arguments made throughout the thread!
No worries friend. I appreciate your constructive input and your perspective. the simple fact is, the scientist have been brought up on regurgitating the info they learned in a book. This is why stuff like "ships going over the horizon" can be easily proven to be false, its all about atmospheric density and line of sight perspective. If you take P900 or P1000 camera and zoom in, you will see the entire ship AND water further behind it, which should be over the curve. And to explain this, the "scientist" claim that it is a refraction... Which is provably false.
The thing is, it is easier to fool an intelligent person, because once you present some numbers to them and say some authority figured this out, they are more likely to not question it, and then they get their ego involved, that after 20 years of studying, anything you question them on, they will take it as a personal attack on them. Since they studied for 20 years and they know better than you or me. they got a diploma and university certification, which proves only 1 thing, they cna remember and regurgitate data that was given to them...
Yes I remember seeing a Deboonk on the 'Ship Over the Horizon' point. It might've been the refraction debonk. Also, I am foggy on the details but I remember this crazy BS they said one time. You might remember. It had something to do with a mirrored reflection off of a lake allowing people to see clear across a lake that should've been impossible to see over it. Something about a mirrored reflection in space, I remember thinking it sounded absurd.
Okay so soup to nuts, what is your current working theory on the world/space that we live in? What's your all-encompassing current best guess based on the information you have?
Yeah I remember that, you could see a city across 50 miles of lake, which they said it was a mirage and you were not seeing the city itself, you saw a mirrored image in the atmosphere due to atmospheric conditions being right.
Heh, I could ramble on a bit I guess. there was a map found in Japanese temple a few years ago showing other continets around our pond. All myths of elves, werewolfs and the like are true I think, in Christianity there is a dogheaded saint "St-Christopher" (in old murals depicted as a human with dog head)
This shows that at some point in our past we had access to those continents. Old slavic tales, talk of princes and adventurers adventuring 9 lands away (not kingdoms). The folklore across the world has something of the sorts in it as well.
Looking at all of this (some may be related and some may be not) my understanding of reality is this. The earth as we know it, is just a pond surrounded by ice wall of Antarctic and we are living in this pond on bits of land we call continents. There is further land outside the Antarctic Ice (research Admiral Byrd) which is being kept secret from us. For whatever purpose it doesnt matter, I know we are being lied to, I dont care why. Once we can prove the lie, we can figure out the why after.
If you believe the earth is a ball and antarctica is a continent on the bottom of that ball, you can believe that we are insignificant creatures hurling through space, an accident in infinite void. You can not leave and go anywhere, as there is nowhere to go, everything has been explored... Only space awaits, but its expensive so give nasa $62 million a day and shut up.
But if you know that antarctica is not a continent, but a shoreline that can be crossed further south and new lands can be reached, some people would try to adventure out over there, which WILL ruin the powerstructure of this pond.
There is too much to explain I guess, I could go on for hours tbh.
But overall, this is it: Think of learning how to ride a bike, you need training wheels... You, me, any other being is basically a God in the making, we are here to learn how to manipulate the energy and to grow. And the body with its nervous system is basically the training wheels of a bike, which allows you to learn how to manipulate energy. The "Elite" know this, and thats why the yare hiding the truth from you. For if the Earth is truly flat, we are the centre of creation, which means there is a Creator... (And this is coming from someone who was Christian, then atheist for many years, and now I am agnostic, leaning to believe that there is a Creator [maybe not the one described in the bible or other books, but there is one]) That is the realisation you come to with this. They are literally trying to hide the Creator from you, and that you are a God yourself.
(Or all of the above is insanity in a head of a retard [me], whom is locked up in a mental asylum hitting his head against the padded walls, thinking he is having a conversation on internet)
Crazy stuff. It makes you wonder, if we are just in a little pond, what is beyond? It's as if the Rothschild's and the Rockefellers are merely the feudal landlords of this small piece of property. We think of them as the deep dark rulers of the entire planet, but they just overlook this small slave pond within the ice wall.
It is one of my most nagging annoyances that the answers to so many questions cannot be had. What is in the Vatican secret archives? What is truly the nature of our existence, and our history on this planet? What is the nature of this planet itself? I think what excites me the most about Q is hopefully being able to get some dang answers through declass. I just want to know the truth, whatever it is. Drives me nuts not to know.
And that "atmospheric mirror" argument just sounds so absurd. I feel like I'd like to see someone really push back on that one. I'd like to see 100 scientists interviewed to hear what they think of it. It just sounds like BS, but like I said, maybe I'm wrong. Not at all a scientist or much of a science thinking person in that sense.
Thank you, I could indeed listen to you ramble for hours because I do find this topic fascinating. Thank you for putting in such high quality responses throughout this whole thread! Whether you're right or wrong, you argue with passion and logical reasoning. That is the best we can do in these times.
Yes my mind is very open to things as we truly have no idea the nature of our reality. That has become more clear to me over time. It has also created that nice split in the mind where you start to question too much, because at some point you really wonder what is fake or fiction about even the basics of life. I have spent years of life just trying to find the few hard truths I can count on, like the search for "I think, therefore I am." Just trying to get a grasp of the basics. That is what religion and Christ are great for, they ground you so the lies don't becomes overwhelming and detaching.
Flat Earth is really just another idea out there up for consideration. I don't understand the hate that it gets, as to take you for example, you make very solid arguments all throughout this thread. I've seen the same done by others who are passionate about the theory. I have watched many videos and seen some great arguments made. The wall I hit is when you get the counterpoints made by scientists and so-called scientists.
With 9/11 I feel confident in my own knowledge and understanding of things to say, we were lied to. The facts do not add up and it's things I've been able to verify. With Flat Earth, I do not have the same confidence that the scientific community is lying or wrong. As, the arguments they make are very convincing on the surface, yet so complex that I am not confident in my own intellect being able to disprove it.
Sorry for the long rant. But I do appreciate your arguments made throughout the thread!
No worries friend. I appreciate your constructive input and your perspective. the simple fact is, the scientist have been brought up on regurgitating the info they learned in a book. This is why stuff like "ships going over the horizon" can be easily proven to be false, its all about atmospheric density and line of sight perspective. If you take P900 or P1000 camera and zoom in, you will see the entire ship AND water further behind it, which should be over the curve. And to explain this, the "scientist" claim that it is a refraction... Which is provably false.
The thing is, it is easier to fool an intelligent person, because once you present some numbers to them and say some authority figured this out, they are more likely to not question it, and then they get their ego involved, that after 20 years of studying, anything you question them on, they will take it as a personal attack on them. Since they studied for 20 years and they know better than you or me. they got a diploma and university certification, which proves only 1 thing, they cna remember and regurgitate data that was given to them...
Yes I remember seeing a Deboonk on the 'Ship Over the Horizon' point. It might've been the refraction debonk. Also, I am foggy on the details but I remember this crazy BS they said one time. You might remember. It had something to do with a mirrored reflection off of a lake allowing people to see clear across a lake that should've been impossible to see over it. Something about a mirrored reflection in space, I remember thinking it sounded absurd.
Okay so soup to nuts, what is your current working theory on the world/space that we live in? What's your all-encompassing current best guess based on the information you have?
Yeah I remember that, you could see a city across 50 miles of lake, which they said it was a mirage and you were not seeing the city itself, you saw a mirrored image in the atmosphere due to atmospheric conditions being right.
Heh, I could ramble on a bit I guess. there was a map found in Japanese temple a few years ago showing other continets around our pond. All myths of elves, werewolfs and the like are true I think, in Christianity there is a dogheaded saint "St-Christopher" (in old murals depicted as a human with dog head)
This shows that at some point in our past we had access to those continents. Old slavic tales, talk of princes and adventurers adventuring 9 lands away (not kingdoms). The folklore across the world has something of the sorts in it as well.
Looking at all of this (some may be related and some may be not) my understanding of reality is this. The earth as we know it, is just a pond surrounded by ice wall of Antarctic and we are living in this pond on bits of land we call continents. There is further land outside the Antarctic Ice (research Admiral Byrd) which is being kept secret from us. For whatever purpose it doesnt matter, I know we are being lied to, I dont care why. Once we can prove the lie, we can figure out the why after.
If you believe the earth is a ball and antarctica is a continent on the bottom of that ball, you can believe that we are insignificant creatures hurling through space, an accident in infinite void. You can not leave and go anywhere, as there is nowhere to go, everything has been explored... Only space awaits, but its expensive so give nasa $62 million a day and shut up.
But if you know that antarctica is not a continent, but a shoreline that can be crossed further south and new lands can be reached, some people would try to adventure out over there, which WILL ruin the powerstructure of this pond.
There is too much to explain I guess, I could go on for hours tbh.
But overall, this is it: Think of learning how to ride a bike, you need training wheels... You, me, any other being is basically a God in the making, we are here to learn how to manipulate the energy and to grow. And the body with its nervous system is basically the training wheels of a bike, which allows you to learn how to manipulate energy. The "Elite" know this, and thats why the yare hiding the truth from you. For if the Earth is truly flat, we are the centre of creation, which means there is a Creator... (And this is coming from someone who was Christian, then atheist for many years, and now I am agnostic, leaning to believe that there is a Creator [maybe not the one described in the bible or other books, but there is one]) That is the realisation you come to with this. They are literally trying to hide the Creator from you, and that you are a God yourself.
(Or all of the above is insanity in a head of a retard [me], whom is locked up in a mental asylum hitting his head against the padded walls, thinking he is having a conversation on internet)
Crazy stuff. It makes you wonder, if we are just in a little pond, what is beyond? It's as if the Rothschild's and the Rockefellers are merely the feudal landlords of this small piece of property. We think of them as the deep dark rulers of the entire planet, but they just overlook this small slave pond within the ice wall.
It is one of my most nagging annoyances that the answers to so many questions cannot be had. What is in the Vatican secret archives? What is truly the nature of our existence, and our history on this planet? What is the nature of this planet itself? I think what excites me the most about Q is hopefully being able to get some dang answers through declass. I just want to know the truth, whatever it is. Drives me nuts not to know.
And that "atmospheric mirror" argument just sounds so absurd. I feel like I'd like to see someone really push back on that one. I'd like to see 100 scientists interviewed to hear what they think of it. It just sounds like BS, but like I said, maybe I'm wrong. Not at all a scientist or much of a science thinking person in that sense.
Thank you, I could indeed listen to you ramble for hours because I do find this topic fascinating. Thank you for putting in such high quality responses throughout this whole thread! Whether you're right or wrong, you argue with passion and logical reasoning. That is the best we can do in these times.