346 George news just dropped this pin. People were asking for a capture, thus is legit. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by ALLT4 4 years ago by ALLT4 +347 / -1 74 comments download share 74 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
And why is GeorgeNews important...? Never heard of it, yet you all make it seem like it's important...
Well, it HAS been 20 years or so, well beyond attention spans so fluid these days... JFK Jr started George magazine in the 90s... ;)
Did it ever occur to you that the website could have been started by any random Q follower from the JFK Jr cult, or even by the deep state as disinformation?
Well, I was born 28 years ago, so no, I don't remember that and I've never heard of them.