Daily Plane Post 2/3
✈️ Planes ✈️
Today's findings:
- Search and Rescue out of Miami
- SAM634 went from DC to CO
- Greyhound C-2 transporting something or some people out of Norfolk via u/itsafreecountry
- 1 of the air force one planes is up taking the training flight path with no "af1" callsign
- 2 SAM flights out of DC heading west
- Sneaky P8s? over the US jamming
- Mystery French Jet over MI via u/vektor45
- A doomsday using BUCKO5 up out of Tampa
- "Looks like a lot of foreign tanker plane activity/practise going on in Europe. Don't see these in the air often and definitely not so many the same time. French planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=3b7775,3b7776,3b75dd,3b75a7 Dutch planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=480c01,480c42,480c40,480c41 British planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=43c6f4,43c700 U.S. bird refueled Nato spyplane over Poland: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=4d03c9,ae013c" - via u/makeworldgreatagain Here is a source to look up various callsigns associated with the military: https://henney.com/chm/callsign.htm General info:
- 2 main planes are used for AF1, but the callsign has to be "AF1" to mean Biden is on.
- A SAM flight is a Special Air Mission meaning a high level official is on the plane
- AF1 alternates between 2 different flights reg number: 82-8000 or 92-9000, but they may be flying a test flight if they aren't putting up the AF1 callsign
- VENUS indicates a training mission
- Neither Kamala or Joe Biden have stepped food on AF1 or AF2 according to our tracking Happy flying!
One of the 757 SAM flights used jamming and landed at Denver, right by Cheyenne mountain.