77 The number of downvotes on this WEF video about the Great Reset confirm the Great Awakening is happening. (www.youtube.com) posted 4 years ago by damnagedsoul 4 years ago by damnagedsoul +77 / -0 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
What a steaming pile of propaganda that is. Added my own downvote. Thanks for the post.
I was pleased to add my down vote to the pile. Thanks for posting this, OP.
They will never live down their video that said
You will own NOTHING
and you will be HAPPY
Thanks for posting this. It's always a shock to hear it straight from the horses mouth.
These people are evil. The world is rejecting it. Good things are in our future!
Come on Patriots & pedes - you know what to do.
strange, i can play this from youtube, but nothing they dont like.
crazy bastards. Ya know pervert in chief biden is all in for this. They can go fuck themselves. I cant down vote becaiuse I was shadow banned on youtube for wrong thing so I deleted the account.