The Egyptians were extremely aware of our Earth and astronomy, real astronomy that is. How else do you think the pyramids were built with mathematical constants pi and phi, predating Greece. The amount of pyramid inches is exctly how many years it takes for the procession of the equinoxes to occur... All that knowledge, for a society that built shit with "hammers and chisels". Yeah, ok.
Video proof, for the downvoters/doubters (not NASA CGI bullshit):
The Egyptians were extremely aware of our Earth and astronomy, real astronomy that is. How else do you think the pyramids were built with mathematical constants pi and phi, predating Greece. The amount of pyramid inches is exctly how many years it takes for the procession of the equinoxes to occur... All that knowledge, for a society that built shit with "hammers and chisels". Yeah, ok.
Can't find any holes in your logic. I'm convinced