I know a nurse with a group of 12 nurses.. including the head nurse, banned together and outed a hospital that snuck in IV pack and gave to 2 floors of non-covid patients (in Oregon or Washington I forgot) who all tested negative.. then next day 36 tested positive then 5 died. They tried to whistle blow but didn't know what they were doing and posted on youtube, twitter.. all the censor sites and then the lawyers came down on them because they were made to sign NDA .. they did try to reach out to veritos but no one got back to them. Now they are in lawsuits.
I know a nurse with a group of 12 nurses.. including the head nurse, banned together and outed a hospital that snuck in IV pack and gave to 2 floors of non-covid patients (in Oregon or Washington I forgot) who all tested negative.. then next day 36 tested positive then 5 died. They tried to whistle blow but didn't know what they were doing and posted on youtube, twitter.. all the censor sites and then the lawyers came down on them because they were made to sign NDA .. they did try to reach out to veritos but no one got back to them. Now they are in lawsuits.