Does anyone here understand how this "works"? Durham submits his report to the head of DoJ. Not to you, nor me, nor anyone else. Head of DoJ. ONLY. And it is up to DoJ to act, or not. How do you think this will go?
They just installed Hunter Biden's ex-business partner to "investigate" Hunter Biden's dealings, laptop, etc. How do you think this "investigation" will go?
Yellen was just "cleared" to investigate Citadel and GameStop trades, after Yellen took $850,000 from Citadel in bribes, err, "speaking fees". How do you think this "investigation" will go?
Actually, I don't ever recall seeing the 'plan' itself laid out.
Cryptic bits of information, some completely false, smoke screens and lack of follow through.
Its not up to Durham. DOJ ONLY.
Does anyone here understand how this "works"? Durham submits his report to the head of DoJ. Not to you, nor me, nor anyone else. Head of DoJ. ONLY. And it is up to DoJ to act, or not. How do you think this will go?
They just installed Hunter Biden's ex-business partner to "investigate" Hunter Biden's dealings, laptop, etc. How do you think this "investigation" will go?
Yellen was just "cleared" to investigate Citadel and GameStop trades, after Yellen took $850,000 from Citadel in bribes, err, "speaking fees". How do you think this "investigation" will go?
See how this works?
So you don't really follow/believe in Q/a plan?
Stupid question. It has already been stated that the DoJ was never part of the plan. The military is the only way... remember?
Actually, I don't ever recall seeing the 'plan' itself laid out. Cryptic bits of information, some completely false, smoke screens and lack of follow through.
Can you point it out to me in a specific post?