I'm sure some agree the image is has become even more powerful with Kayleighs visage. I think it is and that is in no way to denigrate the original artist, but the pose using Kayleigh face in this orientation, looks more powerful and graceful. Amazing actually. Whom ever photoshopped it had an eye and some skills too.
There is a lot of truth in this image, this synergy of course, but the truth of how people perceive her is because she is strong and has the support. It shines through so deeply.
Kayleigh was some how brought onto and into the Trump team, whatever connected with here obviously was powerful. Did you know she had a double mastectomy?
McEnany, 32, said she was speaking because she wanted to share how she says Trump supported her as someone who had a pre-emptive double mastectomy to avoid breast cancer.
She said she had tested positive for the BRCA2 gene mutation when she was 21, which is "associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in both men and women," according to the National Institutes of Health.
McEnany said she then decided to get the breast surgery to limit her chances at getting breast cancer.
"I was scared," she remembered. "The night before I fought back tears as I prepared to lose a piece of myself forever."
She added: "But the next day with my mom, dad, husband, and Jesus Christ by my side, I underwent a mastectomy, almost eliminating my chance of breast cancer — a decision I now celebrate."
McEnany said Trump, 74, supported her by calling to check up on her after she came out of the May 2018 surgery. She also said Trump's daughter Ivanka, a White House senior adviser, also called to follow up on her.
I didn't think I could admire her more, but this takes it to the next level.
Let's put her in charge of the press executions.
Those hips. Sorry but hips are the sexiest things
You should change that sword to a large three ring binder - circle back to it ;)
She is quite the angel
Joe think his is called Jen Paki
Be great to credit the artist here too, did I miss it?
Idk but looks like a mtg angel
I would if I knew who it was. It's something I got sent.
Alrighty. I had a feeling it was a photoshop so a quick reverse image search and we find this:
I'm sure some agree the image is has become even more powerful with Kayleighs visage. I think it is and that is in no way to denigrate the original artist, but the pose using Kayleigh face in this orientation, looks more powerful and graceful. Amazing actually. Whom ever photoshopped it had an eye and some skills too.
She is the best. Love fierce personality. Miss her everyday.
There is a lot of truth in this image, this synergy of course, but the truth of how people perceive her is because she is strong and has the support. It shines through so deeply.
Kayleigh was some how brought onto and into the Trump team, whatever connected with here obviously was powerful. Did you know she had a double mastectomy?
Tough girl. Strong woman.
fucking 10 out of 10
Until he got the correct one. Also, go fuck yourself.