I wnta lal my ceentses to kool klie thta.
Yes, at the Cosmosphere.
I was always fascinated by the SR-71.
Finally got to touch one when visiting the air and space museum in Topeka KS.
Saw my first one in person at Oshkosh in 1990. It was surrounded by guards and ropes - no touching allowed.
What kind of guns does the richest man in the world own?
Maybe an F-15?
He's certainly got the rocket thing covered.
Stealing crude oil? Where are they going to refine it?
Reminds me of the time I tried to drink beer direct from the tap at a restaurant.
After looking at the formula,
it was obvious to me,
that the crux of the biscuit
is the apostrophe.
This football game is sponsored by...
One moon circles.
Taxation is theft
Avoid ye the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex.
Show her the list of possible adverse reactions from the product sheet.
If that doesn't convince her she's lost to you, as my mom is to me.
My sympathies fren.
Incredibly funny.
And probably true.
It's less about the distance from the shore as it is the amount of water below the ship that makes it sink.
I see them out there. There are more of them than the metal-impregnated, tattooed billboard, technicolor hair people of girth and attitude.
They have been Democrat voters all their life and do not recognize what the party stands for any more. They are staring at the precipice: what is, what was, and what should never be.
...hidden in plain sight...
When ever two are gathered in his name...
"That's a conspiracy!"
Many of Julie Green's prophesies have the Q "flavor". Is her source Q or a higher power?
Walls keep people in as well as out.
Perhaps they will enjoy looking at the stars for a change.
And it's gone...
Expect total chaos...
Brought to you by the Party of Chaos.
She looks like she weighs the same as a duck.
Rally to the sound of the banjo!
Yeah? I didn't see that but the SS just looks like they raised President Trump.
Thanks fren.
Fani ignores subpoena.
I'd say that checks the "above the law" box.