posted ago by kkuff ago by kkuff +34 / -6

What happened to Mike Lindell was unacceptable. But I understand it.

As I said in a previous post a couple days ago, Dominion slapped a lawsuit on News Max because of the reporting about the fraud with the Dominion machines. As I said in my post, it was probably a $1.3 BILLION suit. Faced with that daunting number, News Max had to back down, because they didn't/don't have the receipts like Sidney and Lin.

I'm sure part of the agreement with Dominion was that News Max had to post a comment basically retracting their claims against Dominion, and I'm sure there was a clause that they would not allow any of their guests to say the same. This, the statement, is what you heard nimnut reciting while Mike Lindell was trying to speak. However, Bob was also trying to cut Lindell off because, if they didn't, Dominion could get them (News Max) for breach, then the lawsuit is ON. You will notice that not one of the News Max hosts will say Dominion or anything to do with voting machines, which is why Sidney and Lin haven't been on. Dominion has a knife to News Max's balls.

Now, I don't think it's right. But, with the flurry of what was going on at the time (Nov), it was a knee jerk reaction on News Max's part (to cave), which are never good. So, do I excuse what happened? NO, but I understand it.

If you wonder what I'm saying is true, go to News Max's website to see the statement.