OMG, the KEK: Speaker Pelosi's office just released a statement referring to Republican GOP leader as "McCarthy (Q-CA)" instead of "McCarthy (R-CA)" because he refused to 'reign in' Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who Pelosi & Co. claims is "an anti-semite, QAnon adherent, and 9/11 Truther."

Either it was deliberate Comms. Or Q is living Rent Free inside their heads like GEOTUS.
At this point in the game it could be either.
No way they do it twice on accident lol
I think Q is on section 8 inside their heads ?
Absolutely done purposefully. And I kind of love it.
I also like how they try to use the word 'truther' like it's a bad thing. Deliberating the facts and attempting to determine accuracy is just ~appalling~!
How dare you seek the truth! I demand satisfaction. We duel at dawn!
Totally agree with you, when you listen to what these clowns are actually saying, it's completely ridiculous.
You just KNOW this is eating her alive on the inside. She is having major mental anguish not knowing WHEN Trump is going to strike! LOL