Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

France as far as I was aware also has a rather extensive Highway system or at least their equivalent.

The problem being a Convoy coming by Road. Would have quite a few problems to contend with. Not to mention the potential of needing to stop regularly to clear barricades.

And quite a few European Civilians don’t own vehicles due to the abundance of public transportation.

Meaning the Trainlines would be the only way to move large numbers out of the city limits relatively safely. City limits currently packed with Civilians including foreigners there for the Olympics.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looks like they are trying to cut off Paris and the easiest routes into and out of the city.

It would hamper any evacuation of Civilians. Not to mention delay the arrival of any reinforcements from surrounding French Government/Military. Forcing them to come by road.

Plebbitimmigrant 10 points ago +10 / -0

If I had a nickel for everyone moderately wealthy and or famous. Who’s gotten accused of being the Anti-Christ.

I’d be able to have retired at 25.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Since you’ve just jinxed it. Yes it’s all but guaranteed now.

Though Fashion Companies are weird as to hell to start with. So this might just be some weird trend.

You know. They could at least bring Cloaks and Suits of Chainmail and Plate Armor back in fashion if they want to start a weird trend.

Plebbitimmigrant 10 points ago +10 / -0

There’s only as of 2024. A bit under 4,000 U.S Marshals and Deputy marshals employed by the U.S Marshals Service.

So they’d need to be calling in State Law Enforcement partners to get 6,000.

Though to arrest 535 people plus potential associated staff/lobbyists and simultaneously lockdown the Capital. Probably going to need quite a bit more than 6,000.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean part of the problem. Is most people’s experience with the ideals as proposed by the Founders.

Is either the current mess we call a World and Federal Government today. Or people waxing poetically online about a system and way of life no one in living memory has lived under.

Or arguments and cherry-picked quotes taken out of context online. To justify whatever inane point or juvenile insult someone is hurling at whoever they are arguing with.

Wouldn’t be particularly shocking more and more people would be looking elsewhere other than the ideals of the founders to fix current days problems.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean. Many historical Republics usually included the option of installing a Dictator to deal with emergency.

In fact we borrow the term “Dictator” from the Roman Republic.

The Caveat being their power was normally limited to taking whatever steps they deemed necessary to address whatever emergency dictated they be given such powers. So while broad and far reaching. It wasn’t total. And the option to force them from Office remained.

So much of what we take for granted politically. And the political philosophy that ultimately has become the primary focus today on both sides of the aisle. Even in some of the alternative spheres. Is ultimately the result of the post WW2 era economic and educational system. Which comparatively speaking was a time of relatively unrivaled prosperity, For the U.S at least. And enforced by the U.S Hegemony. With many people taking aspects of it for granted in their philosophy. That system is breaking down. In frankly a rather spectacular fashion.

And we happen to have got a distinct lack of Washington’s, Jefferson’s, Adam’s, Monroe’s, and other figures of yore running around to lead the Republic. The Closest thing we do have is Trump. The times ahead will undoubtedly be interesting ones.

Plebbitimmigrant 7 points ago +7 / -0

Catholics and Christians are easy targets because they generally don’t start exploding Government Buildings, attacking people indiscriminately, or blow up Shopping Malls when people criticize them and attack their religion.

They’ll never bring up shit about Islam for example. Because that might actually require the politicians to risk their necks when Abdul decides to explode in front of parliament.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

For those who are unaware. And maybe interested

The TU-95 and H-6. Are both long range strategic bombers.

With the H-6 being a license built copy of the Soviet TU-16

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Frankly. I think we’re going to be surprised how much a circus it’ll remain even if we remove the puppeteers.

I mean if you think about. Elections are going to fundamentally remain glorified popularity and marketing contests.

That’s all but guaranteed to breed a circus all on it’s own

Plebbitimmigrant 8 points ago +8 / -0

According to people who delved into website code. It’s some sort of LARP storefront.

They’ve been “Officially” launching it now for months. They always end up resetting the countdown though and including some other cryptic message.

In this case. The 144k is a particularly unsubtle reference to the Book of Revelations.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Officially yes. They’ve also reportedly called up Law Enforcement Reserves. And asked for Volunteers from major Police Departments.

Of particular note was 200 NYPD Officers from special task forces and tactical teams within the Department. Though they didn’t disclose what Teams and Taskforces specifically

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

It may sound heretical at this point. But I’m increasingly failing to see what makes our current system significantly better than anything that preceded it. That doesn’t in someway involve an appeal to some notion of “Freedom” and “Liberty”.

And even “cleaning up” as it were. Doesn’t actually fix many of the problems with the system. All it really would do. Is allow you to pretty reliably attribute any issues to incompetence or run of the mill corruption. Versus anything that was secretly deliberately evil and malicious.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is more or less a feature of the system. Not a bug. They probably say shit just as bad about the older generations.

Our elections function fundamentally as a glorified popularity and marketing contest. IE manipulation. You can dress it up in all the rhetoric you want about the “Will of the People”. Ability to preform, and skills are secondary to your ability to talk yourself up. But fundamentally it’s a popularity and marketing contest and has been since Washington left office. When whether or not you get to sit your ass in a fancy chair is mostly dependent on your ability to manipulate people. Whether it’s with words or money. It’s probably not surprising the people competing for those chairs and dancing to the tunes of their masters have a dim view on the intelligence of the common folk.

They believe themselves superior. And that those shadowy interests who fund them view them as equals. When in reality they are only marginally more valuable to their masters than the commoners they deride as useless and stupid.

Anywho Sometimes the contests works according to the lofty idealistic standards originally set down. And we get someone who combines charisma with skill and genuine dedication to the American people. And their willingness to defy the shadowy interests. Most of the time we get empty headed suits who while charismatic, are more or less a rubber stamp for their party or the wealthy interests who put them in office. And “The people” get a couple bones on occasion. And the President is considered ‘Decent’ if there’s no major economic disaster or Major War during their terms.

And I’d imagine after Trump. We’ll go back to more sufficiently charismatic suits who excel at selling themselves and but ultimately accomplish nothing of any importance, aside from whatever goal or interest, their backer or party, decides on and they are subsequently regarded as comparative footnotes of little interest for a decade or two. The only main difference you can be reasonably sure that those interests will be run of the mill corruption. Versus actively evil and malicious. Before we might get someone else willing to break the mold.

The people who will likely take center stage in the history books after Trump. At least for a while. Are likely going to be Americas wealthy. And potentially Military personnel. Supposing space expansion proceeds as expected. They’ll have the finances to accomplish goals. And if Trump has his way. Fewer restrictions and regulations burdening their direction and vision.

Plebbitimmigrant 7 points ago +7 / -0

It was a fake notice. Some gems hinting at the obvious origin.

Verbatim included from the post “Throat Goat Nancy Reagan”, “Rosalyn was a Baddie”, “Selling out the U.S to Panama”.

And it went on further pointing the failure of the Iran Hostage crisis rescue. Not to mention pointing out some of his other failures of Foreign Policy

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Throat Goat”, “Rosalyn was a Baddie”, “Selling out the U.S to Panama” , and the failure of the Iran Hostage crisis. And pointing out some of his other failures. All doesn’t really seem like the kind of thing that would normally be in a formal death announcement of a former President

I’m guess this is a fake. Or they got a Zoomer to write it given the lingo. But probably fake

by Raritan
Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don’t think Laura actually read that letter. Either that’s fake. Or they got a Zoomer to write it.

“Throat Goat”, “Rosalyn was a Baddie”, “Selling out the U.S to Panama” , and the failure of the Iran Hostage crisis. And pointing out some of his other failures. All doesn’t really seem like the kind of thing that would normally be in a formal death announcement of a former President

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Volcanic activity? They reportedly been growing more active across the world.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

Depending on which report you see. One would be torn on deciding whether Hunter would be upset or dancing on his Grave.

Some sources paint Hunter as somewhat angry over years of neglect from Joe. And being the Errand boy.

Others that they had a more typical albeit somewhat dysfunctional relationship

Plebbitimmigrant 11 points ago +11 / -0

Looking into it. They’ve been sneaking Delegations of Authority in going back to 4 days after his alleged Medical Episode earlier this month.

That all but guarantees he’s done by early August. Potentially even sooner

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

This week? Or you think they’ll try to push it off till next week?

Edit: More Declarations delegating more Authorities just dropped. So I’m guessing they announce he’s dead this week. Probably Thursday or Friday.

Potentially they could wait till next Monday. To occupy next weeks news cycle.

Plebbitimmigrant 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’d be curious to see if it has the same effect on adults. Their program seems more or less to rely on nailing it early enough that the child hasn’t had much time to start mental development.

Which makes sense given Autism is a developmental disorder.

Any adults/teens/older kids either need to wait for a new treatment to be developed. Experiment themselves. Or accept they are just SOL.

And while it’s great we can now potentially head it off at the pass. Supposing this treatment does what they believe it will and be permanent.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well. It would give them the ability to listen to every call and communication either have.

And nothing is set in stone yet. Just because they leaked one thing to the Press doesn’t immediately make that thing true

Plebbitimmigrant 6 points ago +6 / -0

So first they had someone up there but they called off sick. Then they said they had Local Police there. Except it turns out local Police were only assigned to Traffic Duty and never had anyone there. Then came “The roof is too dangerous and slopey.”. Now it’s “Oh it was too Hot”

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rumor was. Maybe one or two people in the Press Pool, depends on source, were also dropped by Security along with the Patsy.

With them going to great lengths to hide it.

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