Don't be so sure. But not for the reason you might think. The military Myanmar, formerly Burma is not squeaky clean either. But however that might be a test case for what might happen here. Maybe our military helped their military see the light. We'll see.
I am not sure by any means. But the man asked for a scenario of how this could possibly go. A Myanmar spinoff is to me, about the only positive result for us now. So it is a scenario, and likely the only scenario, that we are looking at.
Don't be so sure. But not for the reason you might think. The military Myanmar, formerly Burma is not squeaky clean either. But however that might be a test case for what might happen here. Maybe our military helped their military see the light. We'll see.
I am not sure by any means. But the man asked for a scenario of how this could possibly go. A Myanmar spinoff is to me, about the only positive result for us now. So it is a scenario, and likely the only scenario, that we are looking at.