This was no routine PEDO, way too many LEO's there for that, they had SWAT there on standby. I've seen PEDO arrests in the media and never seen the number of cops there like they did for this guy. Not buying it.
I'm in the state, so I got a few local reports, and one of them said 6AM iirc, how is this guy up and armed and ready to shoot several trained federal agents in the pitch dark when any normal guy would still be half asleep? Also one of the reports I read said it was an apartment, not a house, and mentioned the complex name, mirror something, maybe mirror lake?
Florida has had quite a rash of amber alerts recently, they were saved in my fiance's phone, they were almost all Hispanic little girls, and some from broward county, one of these articles mentioned he had a commercial pilot's license, I think this one, now why was that little nugget relevant to the article? My guess is he was running little girls out of miami.
This was no routine PEDO, way too many LEO's there for that, they had SWAT there on standby. I've seen PEDO arrests in the media and never seen the number of cops there like they did for this guy. Not buying it.
I'm in the state, so I got a few local reports, and one of them said 6AM iirc, how is this guy up and armed and ready to shoot several trained federal agents in the pitch dark when any normal guy would still be half asleep? Also one of the reports I read said it was an apartment, not a house, and mentioned the complex name, mirror something, maybe mirror lake?
If I had to bet, he was tipped off by a mole that the jig was up, they would be there at 6:00 AM, and he decided to take few agents with him.
Then why not let them kill him rather than "turn the gun on himself?"
Florida has had quite a rash of amber alerts recently, they were saved in my fiance's phone, they were almost all Hispanic little girls, and some from broward county, one of these articles mentioned he had a commercial pilot's license, I think this one, now why was that little nugget relevant to the article? My guess is he was running little girls out of miami.
I wouldn't be surprised. Run them out to one of the Islands or something. Makes me sick.
Me either..
They were able to create a cover story and find a patsy overnight to 'satisfy' those looking into it. BS.
Kind of like Nashville on Christmas, I guess...