OK, NO ONE has seen nor heard from POTUS but George has the inside scoop. This is making us look stoopid.
Look at all of the attention George is getting just from having Intern(s) pinging their location, think about it, if you think that Trump would leak any info whatsoever to George then you do not know Trump.
Like seriously, i got a lotta good shit from the last location post, but I'm just confused. it's gotta be connected to the team? i dunno. not hopium, just general data point collection.
Please explain like I’m a POTATUS?
Self promotion from a little known publication?
it's more than that ... obviously a little over ur mental acumen to grasp what is really being presented .../!
OK, NO ONE has seen nor heard from POTUS but George has the inside scoop. This is making us look stoopid.
Look at all of the attention George is getting just from having Intern(s) pinging their location, think about it, if you think that Trump would leak any info whatsoever to George then you do not know Trump.
Did I ever say that GAW was the target audience?
George was JFK Jr.'s Pub.
It's trump hotel in dc
Close to White House I can see the obelisk from there. Dont know what's in these buildings I'm looking at
Like seriously, i got a lotta good shit from the last location post, but I'm just confused. it's gotta be connected to the team? i dunno. not hopium, just general data point collection.
Punch the address in google maps what are the buildings here
RFK DOJ Building, FBI.
Underground something..
yeah it's gotta be something like that. who knows. worth observing and chalking up as datapoints.
please explain, Im a 4th grader.
Their Telegram is full of videos with somebody with direct access to POTUS. Sitting in Marine One with staff, walking onto marine One, riding in the Mar A Lago parade on Inaug Day. Whoever this is, they have unfettered access to Trump. George's HQ is in Trump Tower and they are at Mar A Lago today. https://t.me/georgenews/232 https://t.me/georgenews/233 https://t.me/georgenews/234 https://t.me/georgenews/235
Copy & paste from mar a lago post a few days ago