I know this belongs to conspiracies.win more but I really can't trust that site to have open-minded discussions about this topic specifically. For a conspiracy site, those guys are really close-minded in regards to Christianity it's almost like there's an active effort to manipulate the narrative.
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Westboro Church by all means appears to be a deep-state government operation, as Fred Phelps certainly appears to have been a US government agent provocateur.
He began his career as one of the leading 1960s civil rights lawyers, defending African-American clients. He was steeped in so-called "liberal-left" 1960s ideology. In the 1980s, Phelps also sued President Ronald Reagan over Reagan's appointment of a US ambassador to the Vatican, under the reasoning that this violated the separation of church and state.
It's recently come out that Rev. Al Sharpton has been a US government covert agent since 1983, due to Sharpton being caught in a drug-sting. I submit that it's precisely because Rev. Sharpton was the US government's blackmailed minion since that time that pretty much anyone even knows Sharpton's name today.
That's to say, the reason Rev. Sharpton has come into the popular consciousness and remained there is because those who have the capability to present him to the popular consciousness had the means to do so, and that presenting Rev. Sharpton to the popular mind served their interests.
And Rev. Sharpton was presented by the corporate media as one of the main go-to spokespeople for the black community long before the internet ever became a medium for bypassing the state-run media.
What I submit is that Rev. Sharpton obtained that role only because he was the US government's blackmailed minion. That is to say, if Sharpton had not been owned by the US government, but rather had been his own person, then he would have been ignored by the corporate media, with the masses never even knowing of his existence.
Phelps is a very interesting case. As I mention above, he is basically the most opposite creature one can imagine to take on the role that we are aware of him in the present day. But there are also other interesting tidbits into the life of Phelps and his family which shed light upon whether he owned himself or whether he was owned by others.
For one thing, since Phelps came into the role of a crazed Christian anti-homosexual and anti-military-funeral-due-to-supposed-apathy-over-homosexuality-by-the-US-government, he has apparently had unlimited funds. This presents itself in a number of ways. Apparently many, if not most, of his children are also lawyers.
Where is Phelps getting all the funds to send his children to law school? Perhaps his children just work off their school-debts themselves. Whatever the case, funding for law-school has apparently not been that great of a problem within the Phelps household.
Second, where are the Phelpses getting the funds to travel all over the country to protest at military funerals due to the US government's lack stance on homosexuality?
Fred Phelps comes off as crazy and despicable to pretty much everyone. Especially in the South, due to his anti-military stance. So since Phelps and his family-followers are despised from pillar to post by pretty much the entire swath of society, where are they getting funds to travel across this great land of ours to protest at military funerals?
Sure, one may say that such a trip in of itself doesn't cost much. But it does cost something. And that brings up another issue: where are these people being employed in the first place?
It would be one thing if a spawn of Phelps simply went on to do their own lawyering activities, but here we are to believe that these attorney children of Phelps are going hither and thither to hate-on dead soldiers, and in the most ridiculous of ways.
I would think that anyone doing that would pretty much be a pariah by most anyone who knew of such activities. Yet the Phelpses somehow get their funds to travel all over the US to do so.
Again, we're talking about the national religion here: the US military, and the US-citizen corpses it produces. It's not as if there are pockets of people in the US who hate both homosexuals and dead US military members who are just itching to donate funds to someone who comes out against both. Phelps pretty much created a stance that everyone could feel confident in hating.
My thought on Phelps is that the US government caught him on something. Was it underage stuff? I don't know. But if it was, then everything is explained. If Phelps was caught on that, then Phelps would be owned by the US government, lock, stock and barrel.
But to what purpose? Simply this: to make "Christians" and "Christianity" not only seem absurd, but downright sacrilegious. Since, again, the true national religion is the worship of the military, particularly the US military deaths that occur thereby.
If one is a strict atheist, one may not at first see the importance of this. However, government is inherently a religious undertaking. The reason why it is so is because in order for government to claim the special powers it does over others, there must inherently exist some special nature of government over other member of the commonality. That is, the members of government must be imbued with some special nature which makes them qualified to rule over the masses, even when all evidence shows that they are less-so imbued.
For those who are interested in extensive scholarly documentation regarding the globalist oligarchy, see under the heading "The New World Order: Government's Attempt at Autoapotheosis", pp. 87-98 of my following article, being sure to read the footnotes, since much of the information on this is contained within said footnotes:
The foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.
TL;DR, yes, Westboro was a FF.
Yes, Burto_87, that's what I conclude as being the most likely.