"Qanon" is a STRAWMAN
?? Theory ??
The MSM will not / cannot debunk Q so they create something they can debunk, Qanon.
That's my deep thought for today.
/carry on
Not a theory but 100% FACT.
Nicely spotted. I think I made this observation in another topic.
They think you are a child and treat you like one.
The media constructs the news in story (narrative) form, since humans love stories that are relatable, they need to fix your focus on a figurative person, so they employ archetypes in strawman form, a fictional character for you to believe in.
They created a Trump Strawman out of thin air and people believe and responded to it within 24/48 hours and that program ran for years, giving everyone their 2 minutes of hate target (1984). Incredible to watch, but a super great opportunity to learn how they game reality by simply making things up.
Thinking about it critically. 99.9999% of people do not and can not know Trump personally. Common sense is all you need here.
Despite then it being completely illogical to believe any media output more than your own senses and/or own mind still enough people happily allow an intermediary like the MSM inform them, then they believe the fairytales as if real and then act accordingly.
The Q drops were designed to enable this process. There are even drops that explain this in black and white. It could not be clearer.
The drops were brialnlantly written and they used the same techniques the MSM use to make peopel believe a fiction, to instead make peopel believe themselves instead.
They surely employed or studied movies scripts, plots and all kinds of theatrical devices, meshed with warfare thinking, strategy tactics, cyber-warfare game-plans and so on, to create what is a synergy of disciplines, to build the most formidable counter assist or cyber platform to take out the DS big tech stranglehold, is something that will be studied well into the future when the dust settles.
Now, it also becomes vastly clear how powerful the 10 commandments are in keeping society and reality in order, the basic wisdom is universal. The making of a strawman infringes at least two (you could stretch it to more but 2 is enough!) and the effects have been devastating.
False strawman, depictions and characterisation of Trump in the media. Satire, cartoons, comedy (Alec Baldwin) and so on (voodoo doll is another example of making a strawman, dark as can be)
Making so much stuff up about Trump, his family, the admin, endless stuff, taking the truth and spinning it to mean something else, 24/7/365, black black black.
TBH, never in living memory has one individual endure so much dark energy and power directed at them day in day out for years. Dictators have suffered less at the hands of the same powers, and really 99% of it was projected at you to hate them so when the time came to knock them over by invading their country, you did not resist and passively consented.
Pray those days end now with the great awakening. Trump gave the world 4 years of a break, a taste of world peace.
Same thing going on here. It's colour revolution 101 but deployed in the US to topple a sitting POTUS.
finally, it is now being directed at you, us, everyone who dares think, stand up for what they believe that is not part of the global agenda.
The tweet that became a meme of Trump being the only thing in the way should be 100% verified as the truth.
Thank you for taking to time to write this. Outstanding breakdown of the MSM. You should create a post on it as well so more will see it.