I have never put on a mask since all this started. Ever. I live in a pretty conservative town in a blue state. Not a single store in town has ever hassled me much about masks. So yeah, getting told I wasn't welcome at a store over a mask was a bit of a shock. First time I've been "kicked out" ever.
Not gonna lie, it bothered way more than I thought it would. Haven't been able to stop replaying the incident in my head since. I had just been able to build up enough confidence knowing I could walk into any store without fear of being humiliated. That's gone now. How do you all manage this kinda stuff? I've written corporate a message, but I'm pretty sure I'll just get a canned response. This thing has got me BUMMED out, man. Like.. bad. Makes me want to never leave the house again.
Anyway, sorry for the weird post but I don't really have many friends or family to talk to about this stuff. Thanks for reading.
If you're self declared exempt, then they have just discriminated against you.
Yup. I told this woman I was medically exempt. She didn't care. Wrote corporate and doubt they'll care either. Such a hopeless feeling man.
speak to a lawyer who specialises in discrimination cases.
mind you, if you aren't drowning in lgbttxxyy+ letters it might be a waste of time these days.
the alternative is to wear your exile like a badge of honour. you stood up to them, didn't cuck out and wear a mask and you still have your dignity.
that ain't nothing Fren, especially in these dark times, that's proper hero stuff.
Thanks man. Yeah it's about the only positive thing I can think out of all this.
I have absolutely no desire to cave in and wear their mask. Not after this, not ever. I'll figure things out but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't shook. Sucks.
it's just shock, it'll pass. A nice shot of whisky will calm you down, try to do something calming/distracting, don't dwell on it too much