If "Qanon" is a fake conspiracy theory then why are they trying so hard to discredit it? How often does the main stream media do a hit piece on flat earth? Or how often does Nancy Pelosi call the moon landing being faked as a threat to democracy? They put alot of energy into disproving "Qanon". If it's fake howcome it's so important to disprove it? Howcome proving the earth being round is not as important? Or the moon landing not as important? I am sure you guys can think of alot more actual conspiracy theories but I just don't understand why it's so important to disprove "Qanon" vs all the all the others? After all its fake right?
If "Qanon" is a fake conspiracy theory then why are they trying so hard to discredit it? How often does the main stream media do a hit piece on flat earth? Or how often does Nancy Pelosi call the moon landing being faked as a threat to democracy? They put alot of energy into disproving "Qanon". If it's fake howcome it's so important to disprove it? Howcome proving the earth being round is not as important? Or the moon landing not as important? I am sure you guys can think of alot more actual conspiracy theories but I just don't understand why it's so important to disprove "Qanon" vs all the all the others? After all its fake right?