posted ago by StayhumanMe ago by StayhumanMe +18 / -1

Sooo, my pink pilled sig-o (meaning he sees the commies and the damage of sjws but still thinks of it as a coincidence) doesn't believe there are puppet masters and families in control of world development.

So, the reason why he feels this way is because he "used to believe that Puerto Rico was deliberately ruined by men smoking cigars in a dark room but I looked into it and I was wrong." And "I used to think 911 was an inside job because of building 7 but there was nothing in that an i was guilable"

But you and I know there are dark men making decisions that ruin countries.

Do any of you pedes have any leads on Puerto Rico being affected by the evil purposefully so I can help red pill him. Just would like some leads to get started.

My thanks frens.