GeorgeNews Live has just requested that we save and archive https://www.trumplibrary.gov/ as much as we can. Anyone know what might be on here?
Autists Wanted
Be careful with GEORGEnews. We are not sure they can be trusted. Current ownership looks to be Hearst Magazines. Can anyone come up with a reason to trust them?
I asked a similar question to that here:
I also collected messages from their latest chat line, which you can read here:
It doesn't appear to be anyone working against us. In fact they seem to be giving us pointers as to what to look out for. For example they consistently posted about bookmarking 45office.com, and soon after that there was a pdf of GEOTUS's answer to the impeachment with a matching domain name:
Now there is the very real possibility that they obtained the pdf second-hand, but that trail runs cold. Like you I'm looking at them with a healthy does of skepticism as we all should. However everything they have shown us, from the telegram messages to the videos and the photo albums, oozes patriotism.
I also don't think they could use the name George without legal issues. And JFKjr. did say George would re-emerge in 2020. sure is interesting to consider.
Where did he say that, if you can recall?
yep, I have a few magazines, so I 'recall' a lot of this stuff. absolutely amazing!
scroll about half way down until you see a blue page that says Platform. look at the text and it says "when George enters the time warp and reemerges in 2020"?
AND it mentions chin strap which is similar to a mask...