Belief serves a purpose. it's holds the space for experience to fill. once you have personally experienced the Father or His Son, you are 'in a relationship' with a Person. at that point it is no longer "belief" but trust. that is why you seek to cast doubt on belief, yes, because it has no affect on the living relationship.
Lucifer's first interaction with humanity was long, long before Eve. you should know that. remember Cain travels to the land of Nod and finds a wife? but like I said, the cult's weakness is that it denies its own history.
Belief serves a purpose. it's holds the space for experience to fill. once you have personally experienced the Father or His Son, you are 'in a relationship' with a Person. at that point it is no longer "belief" but trust. that is why you seek to cast doubt on belief, yes, because it has no affect on the living relationship.
Lucifer's first interaction with humanity was long, long before Eve. you should know that. remember Cain travels to the land of Nod and finds a wife? but like I said, the cult's weakness is that it denies its own history.