this can all be used to understand other religious practices and concepts, to look to the metaphysical connection to the physical. Often they explain the same phenomenon. It bolsters our faith in our practices and the placebo effect good old fashioned try of the beginner becomes the ascending transmutational practice of the master in swift order when the difference between faith and belief is udnerstood. To master our own psychology is the highest order mission of man and there in lies the great pearl and reward for our efforts. Freedom to bind and unbind at will with this world, to experience fear loathing in las vegas, but only if you want to. the freedom of choice and eventually the freedom to forget. then we will return the beginning of the game. In the end God wins, but in the beginning he lets his children learn on their own, bumping and bruising their little heads along the way. He wants us to grow up to be just like him, but different. Holy like him AND unique. Not an image of him, but IN his image. not a clone but a friend with the same interests to spend eternity with.
this can all be used to understand other religious practices and concepts, to look to the metaphysical connection to the physical. Often they explain the same phenomenon. It bolsters our faith in our practices and the placebo effect good old fashioned try of the beginner becomes the ascending transmutational practice of the master in swift order when the difference between faith and belief is udnerstood. To master our own psychology is the highest order mission of man and there in lies the great pearl and reward for our efforts. Freedom to bind and unbind at will with this world, to experience fear loathing in las vegas, but only if you want to. the freedom of choice and eventually the freedom to forget. then we will return the beginning of the game. In the end God wins, but in the beginning he lets his children learn on their own, bumping and bruising their little heads along the way. He wants us to grow up to be just like him, but different. Holy like him AND unique. Not an image of him, but IN his image. not a clone but a friend with the same interests to spend eternity with.