I am just so fuckin' PUMPED
Seriously, ladies and gentlemen (sorry for you other 200 fake genders, I do not recognize your validity), I feel like today is gonna be a GREAT day! BOOM!
I feel it in muh giblets. Anyone else?
Ah, fuck it, here's an updoot for ya! FUCK YES!! Have faith, my fellow patriot.
Your energy is elevating. God speed Patriot.
Thanks, fren! Gotta spread the joy! We are all in this together, and where we go one, we go all! And Godspeed to you as well. May He bless and protect you and yours from now until you enter the Kingdom.
Oh, I feel it!
Me as well. I'm also trying to temper my enthusiasm. A lot of talk about the game this weekend and I don't want to be let down if nothing happens. Moving more towards stoicism would be more beneficial for me.
I totally forgot about that, lol