posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1 +41 / -0

We have many signals and this excellent thread lays out some good ideas


there are lots of clues like this ...... usually with 4 x boom







there is also a




Suicide weekend


We just had a Boom on the COMSEC twitter, so looks like we are close...

We need 3 more Booms and then we're into [NEXT WEEK] which I believe will be the first of 3.

Keep your eyes peeled folks !

Then we should know for certain when the first of the 3 [NEXT WEEK] starts.

Then it's easy count down.

The theory is that Biden resigns live on TV.

Who can argue with that ?

What's the best way to catch a gang of crooks ?

Have them admit and make a full confession.

That way there is NEVER ANY DOUBT !

What's the best victory here ?

The one you would target for if you were running this ?

Would it be a massive lawsuit and lots of pushing and shoving - an end result where plenty of people on both sides are not quite 100% sure ?

Would it be a military coup like a developing world country ? Where 1/2 the population are terrified and it's not clear whether we are into the next Hitler or not ?

Or would it be resignations and confessions ?

A total collapse of the narrative that leaves absolutely no one in any doubt and MSM with massive egg on their face - most of the talking heads and the station CEOs, boards etc. ridiculed - Social media chiefs ridiculed and the path open for massive easy law suits on guilty pleas !

Social Media has already back pedalled greatly on HQCL and other issues - they have been setup to be shot down in my opinion - MZ and JD and others were told by their handlers to go hard on blocking stuff and now it's come out they were wrong -they have had to tone it down - WELL TOO LATE GUYS ! You put your foot in your mouth already- prepare to have your assets seized for election interference.

Look at what you'd want ! The best result !

Art of War - make the enemy defeat themselves.

Then go in afterwards, once you are back in control and go through everyone with quiet lawsuits that will grind along for a few years. Low effort - huge money take downs.