LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

Copying my response to u/luthienli here so it isnt lost in the view more comments minimizing since so many are wondering:


The glass company in Butler has DoD contracts for glass used in the space station and fighter jets.

Everyone calls Cory Compatore a fireman. He was a volunteer fireman and his real job of 33 years was at an advanced plastics company, also with DoD contracts, that is developing a clear plastic to replace the glass used in the space station and fighter jets.

Mr. Webb theorized that Cory Compatore was a target and not just an accident that would allow searches of both companies computer files. I follow Webb but am not sure if hes still on this investigative path or if hes found evidence that dismisses the theory.

If he was a target then the water tower may have been where the shooter fired from. Was Trump a distraction or was it a twofer? Is the SS (hahaha I cant get over how appropo that acronym is looking) incompetence a look here not there moment?

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0


The glass company in Butler has DoD contracts for glass used in the space station and fighter jets.

Everyone calls Cory Compatore a fireman. He was a volunteer fireman and his real job of 33 years was at an advanced plastics company, also with DoD contracts, that is developing a clear plastic to replace the glass used in the space station and fighter jets.

Mr. Webb theorized that Cory Compatore was a target and not just an accident that would allow searches of both companies computer files. I follow Webb but am not sure if hes still on this investigative path or if hes found evidence that dismisses the theory.

If he was a target then the water tower may have been where the shooter fired from. Was Trump a distraction or was it a twofer? Is the SS (hahaha I cant get over how appropo that acronym is looking) incompetence a look here not there moment?

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thats a good thing that these lies are becoming so obvious to everyone. Twenty years ago almost everyone believed it. Now its hard to find people who arent at least skeptical.

I had a kid at work who argued with me about the climate nearly every day. Hes gone now but was at a wedding of another of my kids this spring so I asked him again what he thought. Hes seen the truth. Of course he is 5 years further away from his HS propagandists and has kids of his own now.

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

Id cut the pavement out around their hands and let them go home like that. They could get it off on their own. Then I would send them the bill for the work to repair what they destroyed.

Or just make it legal to splat thier asses.

LongTimeListener 5 points ago +5 / -0

I started grade school in 1970. Then it was Erlichs "Population Bomb", we couldnt feed ourselves, pollution and the next ice age. (Erlich is still around spouting his lies.)

If you were to collate all the newspaper articles about climate and studied them, you can almost pinpoint the day in 1982 that the narrative shifted to warming.

Its always been a lie and for the same reasons of control, depopulation and enslavement.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Siberian traps erupted for millions of years releasing CO2 the entire time. If what the climate fear mongering propagandists say is true, Earth would be Venus.

A volcanic eruption like Tambora, Krakatoa, Pinatubo or Santorini releases more CO2 in a day than humanity does in a decade.

Right now the Earth is at one of its lowest concentrations of CO2 in its history. Its really an incredible system. As CO2 rises, plant growth rises locking the CO2 back into the substrate.

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

Content creation and streaming is a big part of the plan for Truth Social.

If you think deeply about what is to come, there needs to be parallel commercial, economic, social and technological alternatives built before the switch can be turned off on the evil if our civilization is to avoid 50 years of chaos, after which control of the direction society travels will be impossible to control and all bets are off.

Elons starlink and starshield, Mike Lindells My Pillow with its blossoming product line, Gamestop and Ryan Cohens dream of an Amazon alternative and TMTGs move into streaming and content creation are all a part of this. Im sure there is much more. Trumps 10 new cities?????

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did ya see some of the titles of the other trailers suggested after this one? The Curse? The Present? Speak No Evil?

We know Hollywood is a shell of its past self atm. Have the WH Patriots supplanted the CIA satanists and this is soft disclosure? Are they preparing us for when the real evil is exposed? 99% would end up in the hospital? And this may be to soften the blows? Stiffen our upper lip?

Where do we stand on Zoe Kravitz? Pretty sure her father is a cabal demon.

Could also be the opposite, escaping karmic retribution.

Either way it looks like more psyop.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

Put these words under the iconic photo and you have yourself a billion selling T-shirt.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was molten steel in the hole for months after the buildings fell.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since she launched her campaign on Ru Pauls Drag Race, Id say this is 100% accurate.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

Me too and I throw them away when they get like that.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you noticed that every post lately has an authoritative handshake doing the narrative engineering thing? This site is overrun with shills atm.

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

How do we know the people put forward as his parents are really his parents? How do we know this kid wasnt stolen and then mk'ed from the start and his 'parents' were his handlers? How do we know this isnt some bastard son of a cabal asset put up as sacrifice?

He is a piece of cardboard put out to distract us, to muddy our thinking, to divide us. Look here! Not there! While their ops go on unhindered.

We are very close to Casey's "When everything Americans believe is false, our misinformation campaign will be complete.”

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is almost certainly a better snapshot of real voter intent than their fake polls that conservatives refuse to take part in and always skews heavily to the left anyway.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

One huge rally where more than 200 devices in attendance were in Washington for the shit show yesterday and busses were seen unloading 'mostly peaceful' protesters.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

She is half indian. Her mother was from India.

LongTimeListener 6 points ago +6 / -0

Shes not half black and shes not 'African American' at all. Her fathers grandfather was an Irishman from Antrim County Ireland who emigrated to Jamaica as a teenager, started making book and eventually became one of the largest slaveholders in Jamaica. He even travelled frequently to England in the 1830s to campaign against England outlawing slavery. And when England did outlaw it, he went back to Ireland and gathered up Irish migrants to replace the blacks making the migrants slaves themselves.

Any african black running through her veins is probably due to the rape of black slaves by her white slaveholding ancestors.

Shes a fraud through and through.

LongTimeListener 12 points ago +13 / -1

We were told "by the book".


If we question this how can we say we are a Q research site?

If the WH Patriots would go these extreme lengths, lie and decieve to achieve their own ends, then they are not who we thought they were and this entire operation is no different than the satanic death cult.

If it happened this way we are truly fucked.

I dismiss this talk out of hand. This is good versus evil not evil versus evil.

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

They wont overcome the lack of the digital manipulation of algorithms. That will be stopped just as in 2016. Without it Trump will have 100 miliion votes or more. They will need to create 60 or 70 million ballots for Kumala just to approach 100 million. And then what do they tell the people? How can there possibly be over 200 million votes cast?

Weve seen the fear in legacy media hosts eyes for months. Weve heard their dark musings on what happens to them if Trump wins. They know cheating wont work this time. We received confirmation with the Trump assassination attempt and the subsequent coup against Biden.

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