Like any good movie, this one will keep us guessing until the end. At times we may think we've won, or that they've won. This is the nature of a good movie. We all know WHO WINS at the end of this movie, however. We just don't know HOW. SPOILERS: Some description of the movie Equilibrium incoming.
Synopsis: Citizens of Libria are kept from 'feeling' by taking injections of a drug called Prozium II. Libria is governed by a council led by 'Father', who communicates propaganda through ever-present audio-visual means. Clerics are the highly-trained enforcement arm of the council who seek out feeling rebels and kill them. John Preston (Christian Bale, protagonist), a cleric, seems to have some feeling bubbling up inside him and misses a dose of Prozium (half by accident, half on purpose).
- John stops taking his Prozium and wakes up over time but continues to pretend to be unfeeling.
- He is confronted by soldiers during an unscheduled night trip. They are there to kill a dog John saved, and he kills them with his partner's gun (which he had secretly switched with his own).
- John is tasked with finding the 'underground' where the feeling 'Resistance' is based. He pretends to do this for the purpose of exterminating them but secretly hopes to help or maybe join them.
- When he finds the Resistance, they reveal their plan. If John can kill Father, they will blow up Prozium facilities with explosives that have already been placed. This interruption should be enough to wake people up and rebel against the Council.
- To get an audience with Father, John turns over the Resistance leaders to the Council (part of the Resistance plan). They hope John can kill Father before they are executed.
- When John meets with Father's spokesman, it is revealed that his partner's gun was traced to the site where the soldiers were killed. His partner, Brandt, is taken to be executed.
- John is taken to have audience with Father (see video). Black guy is Brandt - who he had fooled and was taken for execution ...
- Father tells him: "Brandt's job was simple: to make you fee like you'd won. To make you feel safe. For years I tried to infiltrate an agent into the Underground. Until it hit me: In order to pass undetected into their midst, in order to be trusted by them, my provocateur would have to think like them, and would have to feel like them. But where to find such a man? A man with the capacity to feel but didn't yet know it."
This movie is 2D chess. The war being fought right now is 4D chess (at least). We're not going to anticipate many or maybe any of the chess moves being played right now. If you're like me, you can anticipate some things in movies but - in more sophisticated movies - you're left guessing until the very end.
- We're kept unfeeling/asleep by drugs of different types: media, entertainment, pharmacological drugs, etc.
- People are waking up but are often 'cancelled' in different ways when their feeling is revealed.
- The unfeeling are weaponized against the feeling (not emphasized in the movie but you get that sense with John's interactions with his son).
- Political figures are often just that - a façade or puppet used to manipulate the masses.
- We think we've won. They think they've won. Both the good and bad guys are 50 steps ahead of us. We will get some things right. We will get many wrong.
- The Resistances and Councils of the world are battling but we still have a role to play. We can't be complacent.
- In the movie, those who were already awake rebel once the head of the snake is killed. We should 'enjoy the show' but also make ourselves into the strongest and best version of ourselves possible. Red pill our family and friends. Arm ourselves with true information and good research skills. I like this movie because I think it more closely mirrors our reality - than movies like The Matrix, for example. However, Q does specifically mention The Matrix. "The ending won't be for everyone." I realize the Luciferians believe they are feeding off our energy and the energy of their children victims.
- Q post 749
One of the best movies ever made. Should be required as K5-12 curriculum, annually, at the beginning of every school year, and at the end. Have it in my home video lib for many years now.
This movie is waaaaay underrated, it got mocked as a Matrix rip off by people who only look at posters.
Should we all be training in guncata?
Agreed. They're documentaries.