TOPIC Flynn interview:
I will repeat this.
Know one thing, EVERYTHING is ON NEED TO KNOW basis all the time. Everything is compartmentalized to the nth degree. Even upon direct questioning to a friendly or ally, nothing can be REVELAED of the PLAN / MISSION.
My background for the record. I am USAF veteran (comms/intel). My father was USAF (comms/intel). My Grandfather is decorated WWI bugler. Gramps saved many soldiers in a ship while at dock, waiting to go to Europe.
Back to messaging:
Please try to understand how this works, and that once you are trained in these things. It becomes all you know, like breathing. Many since 2017 have learned this now. I ask that you rely upon this training, and lead and comfort others. You know who you are.
The thought of jeopardizing operators in the field of battle is always of the utmost concern. Their safety, the mission and your responsibility to God and Country are preeminent.
Cliché, loose lips sink ships. All joking aside.
This is where common sense plays in. When something has been proven repeatedly it becomes mathematically impossible for it to not be true. Those who have been following along like good dedicated patriots and devout soldiers will completely understand this. It is more than something interesting. IT IS EVERYTHING, once it clicks in your head. Like riding a bike, this ability is like the ever vigilant watchman on the wall.
Now once the troops know and trust this REALITY, the battle is won before it even starts. Think Sun-Tsu. The battle is won in the preparation.
So getting back to the Flynn recent interview. The General is displaying the flawless, effortless, ability to TOY with the enemy, the cat and mouse if you will. This is where the idea of "misinformation" comes to play. It is 100 percent critical to winning, that there be MUCH CHATTER that confuses and misdirects the enemy. The channels need to be full of this, day and night.
Flynn knows his troops understand this, and will only move when the command matches their very explicit orders, not one second before this. Because they have torturously learned the trusted COMMS and have LEARNED the recognize the counterfeit. We have memorized them, for years on end.
This is where we win, before entering the battle field.
How it works.
If the messaging from the top is different from the trained code, we know that it is for it is for another purpose. TO CONFUSE. The very important ART of MIS-INFORMATION in the ongoing information warfare. This starts well before the actual fighting.
This is General Flynn's expertise. This is what Chapter 4 indicates in HIS book FIELD OF FIGHT. (Must Read) He indicates in this chapter than a new method of communicating for the Patriots was needed. Of course we know this was created and used very efficiently.
So please understand the purpose of these necessary forms of communication, you are expected to TELL THE DIFFERENCE. Like breathing. It should come easily and naturally Remember to use your training to guide you. Most of all put on the whole armor of God and Pray. This is spiritual warfare and GOD WINS.
May God be Glorified. God bless you and strengthen patriots.
Remember what we fight for. This will keep you focused and ready.
Semper Fi Semper Paratus Semper Supra.
All he had to say is "No Comment" or "You never know" or something to that affect. You think the Deep State has no idea that there is a plan if there was one? He had a chance to reinvigorate all the Patriots that are feeling hopeless.
Instead he says "Nonsense" and "There is no plan". It's time we realize that WE are The Plan. 75 million people that are awake. Nobody is going to save us. As we speak they are clearing the military out of Patriots. Time to come to reality. The Deep State won the battle but we will win the war.