Serious question: how is the MSM going to debunk the last twenty minutes of the Lindell expose'?
Most of the other stuff they already knew about and deboonked (according to them) but how do they get around this hard evidence?
Methinks this will be a real challenge for them. Of course, there will be the ad hominem attacks, and probably some Hitler comparisons for good measure (both are amateur debate tactics that will get you kicked off the debate team). What else can they say? Maybe an admission but with mitigation, like we had to do it to save democracy?
Is this argument undeboonkable?
Does anyone else remember seeing that live map a few months ago? I forget where I saw it but I know I've seen something almost identical
I think S.P. had it in her stuff
Never underestimate the sleaziness of the media. They can create a false reality.
Playing Devil's Advocate:
The data needs to be verified. Assuming the traffic is verified, we need verification that the communication was, in fact, with systems that are critical to the vote count. Need to verify that the traffic was, in fact, manipulating votes.
Playing MSM Fact-Checker:
"Experts have stated that this claim is false."
Playing Big Tech:
"Content not found"