posted ago by babskek ago by babskek +26 / -1

The big question everyone has in the back of their mind... What's going on? Is this all just one big fizzle? Are we just autonomously sleep walking towards hell on earth in the coming years?

I understand the validity of the current doomer world view for some people. This post is just the whitepill side of things.

The truth is, nobody knows what the fuck is going on besides God.

Trump's team and the deepstate are playing chess. Both of them understand what is at stake here, and both of them are avid chess players. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in battle to win the war.

It was either all won or all lost a long time ago. All of the events from November until now haven't changed anything. Biden being 'president' means one of two things. 1. Trump is hyper positive that he's won because a Biden presidency doesn't effect the plan at all, or is even a positive part of the plan. 2. Trump gave up and was not strong enough to stop the steal. Let's assume the former.

Trump has made a lot of stunning strategic piece sacrifices and positional movements. He's gained a strong position advantage by pardoning General Flynn and others, putting Loyalists in positions of power, and writing the election fraud EO, among many other positional movements. When he did not fight tooth-and-nail as hard as he could against mail in ballots, he strategically sacrificed a few pawns. Go ahead, take them ;). Interesting how he fizzled out very quickly on this issue, a lot of talk but no action, almost like he wanted mail in ballots to be a large part of the election. When he pursued all legal actions to combat the fraud through the local and federal courts, he sacrificed some of his valiant (but actually useless) Knights, Bishops, and Rooks in an attempt to prematurely and painlessly checkmate his opponent. It would have been nice, but it doesn't really matter if there's a 100% chance to checkmate in a few more moves.

Lastly, when he allowed Biden to enter office, he enticed the opponent to take his Queen and simultaneously put him in check. Remember, if he's already won, there is no threat of checkmate; this check is utterly useless for his opponent, but wins Trump the game. The opponent has made many sacrifices too, just to be in a position with an illusory advantage. Trump has crafted the positions such that when the opponent put him in check, it was at that moment that the game was inevitably lost for them. Their back ranks protecting their King are now weakened from the resources used to obtain a faux positional advantage.

What do we know about the heroes of this story? This man, this team... are extremely wise. Trump built buildings in the center of the most corrupt places in America. He's dealt with the mob. He's dealt with bureaucracy. He's dealt with the liars, the thieves, and the corrupt. He's dealt with Congress. He's dealt with the Swamp. He understands how they operate. The final counterattack will be spontaneous, relentless, and absolute.

So... when do you strike? When they least expect it. When they are giddy and off-guard, celebrating their illusory imminent victory. When they start to relax and let out a sigh of relief.

When the opponents defenses are the weakest... When claws will cut deepest into the flesh... When the heart of the swamp is naked enough to be destroyed...

And it will continue until it is finished.