Do we even know if their internet is cut, and who made it "be cut"?
For example, let's say the elite who didn't get in, asked their elite buddies running the ISP to cut the internet, so people get pissed... it wouldn't be the same as the government shutting down the internet.
Note the "appear to have cut". This is to make sure you can't "debunk" by verifying some people still have it.
Then they can move the goalpost to "most", then "lots" the to "some" until it's not relevant to the narrative anymore.
This is how "news" use weasel words to do propaganda.
Do we even know if their internet is cut, and who made it "be cut"?
For example, let's say the elite who didn't get in, asked their elite buddies running the ISP to cut the internet, so people get pissed... it wouldn't be the same as the government shutting down the internet.
Note the "appear to have cut". This is to make sure you can't "debunk" by verifying some people still have it.
Then they can move the goalpost to "most", then "lots" the to "some" until it's not relevant to the narrative anymore.
This is how "news" use weasel words to do propaganda.