OP, I think we agree. Maybe my understanding of the scriptural context is immature, but I believe Matthew 18:18 (actually, ALL of Matthew 18) is telling us exactly what you're saying. We are called to be a Holy people; in the world but NOT of it. While there still is Light, we must work for justice and plead for mercy. ALL OF US are in need of His Mercy.
AND, we're also in agreement (I think): The Day Of The Lord IS coming - but it won't be pretty...
OP, I think we agree. Maybe my understanding of the scriptural context is immature, but I believe Matthew 18:18 (actually, ALL of Matthew 18) is telling us exactly what you're saying. We are called to be a Holy people; in the world but NOT of it. While there still is Light, we must work for justice and plead for mercy. ALL OF US are in need of His Mercy.
AND, we're also in agreement (I think): The Day Of The Lord IS coming - but it won't be pretty...