We watched in awe when Trump barnstormed across the U.S. prior to his 2016 election, we watched him defeat 16 GOP candidates and a media turned against him from the moment he decided to run for office. Then we watched him do the impossible with engaging North Korea, China, Russia, the Saudis. We watched him restructure trade deals, end the endless wars, move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, structure peace deals between Israel and its Arab neighbors. All while withstanding a withering assault from the MSM and the left. He did so much to improve the U.S. economy, the security of our nation and help minorities gets productive jobs and off welfare. He battled the opioid addiction, the child traffickers and Covid. Then, we watched in amazement as he again barnstormed the country with energy that men half his age couldn't marshal to meet his loyal MAGA Patriots by the hundreds of thousands, all across the country.
Then we watched him get more votes than any President in our history. We watched as he was defrauded out of an election he clearly won. No court would allow the merits of his case to be heard. Yet, he fought on until suddenly he stopped and left D.C. for his Mar-a-Lago. The man of boundless energy, Tweetstorms that occurred day and night. We saw his face and heard his voice every day and suddenly .... nothing.
We saw Donald J. Trump in action and know the man well. He's a fighter, he's not a quitter, the harder, more impossible the task the better and more engaged he becomes. Yet it's as if his button was turned off. Because this is so out of character for him, I believe that something is going on that he effectively is keeping from the media and the public at large. If anyone knows the dimensions of the problems and challenges we face as a country, it's him.
For this reason I think the Donald J. Trump that we know and love is preparing for his return to the public stage but will make sure that when he reappears, those that were aligned against him will not be a force this time. He will not have his hands tied by endless impeachments, investigations, lying media and the like. Instead he'll focus on building a better country, getting people back to full employment, rebuilding and aged and dilapidated infrastructure, moving us back the gold standard so our money is worth something again. He'll remove the regulations that hold us back and do away with income taxes. He'll reform education and reduce the size of government to make it more efficient, less intrusive.
This energetic man of boundless optimism is working closely with those he now knows he can trust to formulate the Renaissance that will be the New America. I am not buying the bullshit I see or hear from the left and know the difference between the hapless and hollow Joe Biden and the Donald Trump we know and love. It won't be much longer before the military does its job and restores Trump to office to pick up where he left off. We won't need to wait until 2024. This will happen soon as all the evidence of the election theft is known. We see the myriad of resignations of corp. CEO's happening and soon big tech will realize they went too far.
Stop frowning and dooming. As sure as spring is right around the corner so is the re-emergence of Donald J. Trump, rested, assured, with all the chains and shackles off. He said it often and I believe it more than ever...THE BEST IS YET TO COME! Soon, very soon, so hang in there fellow Patriots and smile. Start feeling good again cause things are about to change for the better...MUCH BETTER!!
Could you drop-out boris from the scene too?? Make sure he doesn't come back ever again.(Hope trump comes back btw,just not boris johnson)