So shout out to my new friends I met last night. I had a very knowledgable convo about religion with an amazing individual. They know who they r. Love u friend I'm still energized from the talk we shared. Building bridges u guys. Well enough about my personal life. Heavenly father we ask that u allow ALL ur children to rise up and unite as one. Allow the already in your spirit children take all the slings and arrows from evil so that way they can find safety and peace in our group. Plz look after the Trump family we all miss them so much and hope to see them all back leading soon. We ask that u take away and pain worry or negative energy from all that are on this site so we may start important dialogue about how we want our future to look. We know we r weak without u. But we also know with u we develop the strength to move mountains. Allow today to be a day where many mountains are moved. Allow ur spirit to fill each of us so we may help guide all that are lost home to your kingdom. We cry out in one voice Lord we are ready for your spirit to come down and retake ur Kingdom. We love you Lord u are our Mastrr our leader Our best friend and we need u now more than ever. AMEN
Plz share this with who ever u feel. Dont re post but share the link and the prayer. The more people we have the stronger it is) love u guys) GOD WINS
Ok I'm calling this unity prayer and yes I know there one and the same so its kinda not needed. It's like wet water. But I'm calling it this just as a reference point for us to communicate about. I'm asking everyone to say this prayer at 5pm pst so first time will be within 20 min. Were gonna say it daily at that time and hopefully expand it further in future. I am not perfect so any ideas to expand or make a lil better plz DM me so we can discuss. I am completely open to all idea but this is the words God put in my heart. So here it is the UNITY PRAYER
Dear heavenly father I ask that u continue to guide and strengthen me through you holy spirit. I ask that u lift up and guide all your children to be able to carry out your divine plan. Plz protect the President Mr Donald J Trump and all his family. They sacrifice for u and I ask that u put ur protective hug over them at all times. I pray you open up the eyes of all that cant see and feel you love and guide them home. Allow us to be lights for all your lost children. Guides of love and peace to create your kingdom here on earth. Lord we r all weak but through u and through prayer we become strong. I ask for the patients and virtue to continue to walk the path u have set for me and to remain in ur spirit. AMEN
Love u all. We are growing u can feel it. Hope u can join us at 5pm PST WWG1WGA
Ok thanks friend. I feel like were close to getting to that point but we still need a lil more foundation. I will start praying with u on top of hour if u would like. I'm just gonna give it a lil longer before I start posting that as my message. If u would like to start that message by all mean go ahead but I feel in my heart I need to do this a certain way. So would u personally like to join me every hour and we can start that together and then I can bring my post message into that layer in a lil while
Im with you...i have posted this unity prayer in other boards...its the way to pray..together..how we do it is not as important that we do.
Ur right about that thanks for sharing and spreading our cause. It means alot to all of us. I've tried contacting a radio station K love to ask them to pray for our movement and if they would like to spread the word. Anyone that reaches out helps. They have to see our passion and they will come on board I can feel it. I'm gonna do the fish radio station next just ask in ur prayer request I said were just an anonymous of a decent size that is praying at 5 together. It's in Gods hands now