Pregnant nurse gets Covid vaccine at 14 weeks and encourages others to do the same. Miscarriage at 14.5 weeks
? These people are sick! ?
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May she become an anti Vaccine warrior and prayers for her unborn baby. So sad.
Do you actually think all vaccines are bad?
are you actually asking a valid question or are you a LEFTY trying to convince us that this vaccine is actually ok?
If you are not a lefty? I suggest you do your own research and find out what is in this stuff -there is TONS of research on here - heard immunity is far better than chancing death with the vaccine
If you are a lefty? you are in the wrong place, we do not listen to MSM
Have a beautiful day on your path to enlightenment! or path to h*ll ….
THIS WOMAN KILLED HER UNBORN CHILD WITH HER CHOICE TO TAKE THIS VACCINE!!!! Now she has to live with that decision for the rest of her life. Had she not taken the vaccine she and the baby would be perfectly HEALTHY!!!!!
I’m not convinced the protein being delivered is harmless in this mRNA. And I’m not convinced it will work. And I am not convinced Hurd immunity is worth the deaths. I won’t be taking this vaccine as I feel the virus was a planned operation created by globohomos.
Man fuck fauci, that bastard is responsible for a lot aids deaths even before this globalist covid mission seriously. And gates is a globalist fucker who actually did kill people vaccines.
But I am also able to read and understand history, and science. I won’t pretend to believe all vaccines are bad. The lives saved are real. So far, we've used vaccines to entirely wipe out two diseases: smallpox and rinderpest, which infects cattle. (Food and money$$). We've also come extremely close to eradicating polio, with less than 500 new cases annually, largely in Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan.
Then there are Cholera Diphtheria Haemophilus Influenzae Disease Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Human papillomavirus (HPV) Influenza (the flu) Invasive Meningococcal Disease Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Japanese Encephalitis Measles Mumps Pertussis (whooping cough) Poliomyelitis (polio) Rabies Rotavirus Rubella (German Measles) Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Smallpox Tetanus Tick-Borne Encephalitis Tuberculosis Typhoid Varicella (chickenpox) Yellow Fever
All brutal and preventable through real vaccines.
Again not all vaccines are necessary or safe, but these ones that have been properly tested for decades are safe as FUCK!
That’s because they weren’t used to take over the world.... again which I’m not convinced these globalist fuck asses aren’t trying to do...... hence why I will be waiting for truth and knowledge.
Also, I think it’s important to understand Herd Immunity Thresholds of vaccine-preventable diseases...... how many people have to get it and die before the herd immunity works to start bringing down a death count. For example: measles would require 92–95% of the population to get it.........that’s a disease where 1–2 in 1000 will die......... that a potential 1,560,000,000 dead.... and measles is a disease most people survive. A lot of the diseases in that list people DO NOT survive.
I won’t say all vaccines are good Or all safe. Man fuck the government, but don’t blend ignorance with truth.